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Recurve Deer

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What a toad bull LittleBear. :) Nice job.


I couldn't hit the garage wall with a longbow or recurve. :P  I tried hunting javalina a couple of years ago with a recurve that I have, figuring I could shoot one at 4 or 5 yards or so. Well, that didn't work too good for me and I had to go back to the compound to get the job done. :lol:  :D


Again, has anyone else tried taping a sight onto a recurve or long bow? I surprised myself how it improved my shooting when I did a test a couple of years back. I shot 4 javelinas and a mule deer with my recurve many years ago, and probably missed three times that many while shooting instinctively. If I'd been smart enough to use a simple post sight then I suspect my score would have improved greatly.



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I've been thinking of taking up bow hunting (compound) as a way to get better hunts. However, after seeing that monster you took, may be not. I think I'd pee my pants if something that dang big got that close to me :lol: That must have been a serious rush to call that monster in close enough to stickem with a longbow!


What's next? I don't remember seeing a USMC survival knife season for monster bull elk in Arizona. Must be an over the counter tag. Or are you just going straight to wrestling, winner take all.


You guys doing the bow stuff are real hunters! My hat is off to you! I'm trying to figure out where to fit the time in to gain a confident level of proficency to take a shot.



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The sick part is that I prolly could have used a knife, I shot him at six yards. More of being in the right place at the right time than anything though, but you are right about the confidence of taking a shot. If you don't have the mindset to see it all happening, it is hard to make alot of shots.....

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I've got the mind set, but finding the time to practice and develop my skills to an acceptable level of proficency is what currently holds me back.


I've got some friends that are firefighters. They get a bunch of practice time in at work. My boss won't go for that!!!


6 yards! That is just sick! I can't wait to show my boys(8,6,15mos) your bull, they will flip.






The sick part is that I prolly could have used a knife, I shot him at six yards.  More of being in the right place at the right time than anything though, but you are right about the confidence of taking a shot.  If you don't have the mindset to see it all happening, it is hard to make alot of shots.....

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Matt, did you not see littlebear in his pictures? he is about 150lbs! a bull would buck him off like nothing! hahah just given ya chit! Katy sent me those pictures and i was amazed! them are some big ole bulls!


myself, i like going for the smaller, easier to pack out, better tasting spikes ( atleast thats what i claim)

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