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yeah, this was influenced by the antis. the story is all these changes are going on is because some anti-hunting group went to the game and fish and told them that if they don't change the laws on hunting lions that they were gonna put an initiative on the ballot to ban hunting lions with dogs and with all the bleeding hearts out there it would pass with ease.so the game and fish had to cave in otherwise they would lose lion hunting all together.it looks like the antis have the G and F by the cajones on this one.

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What bugs me the most about this whole ordeal is the fact that our manly governor nominated some bunny kisser from Frisco.........We are screwed.

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What bugs me the most about this whole ordeal is the fact that our manly governor nominated some bunny kisser from Frisco.........We are screwed.

Maybe bunnies aren't the only thing she is kissing to get the job.

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Why do you think politicians seem to enjoy kissing babies. It's at least partly Caus babies are a lot nicer to kiss than the other things they all kissed to get where they are.

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