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guiding license

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do yall know what it takes to get your guiding license in arizona?

what are the age requirements and the cost and all the red tape?


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all the red tape comes after you pass the test and get your lic.

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is it worth it if your not planning on doing for a living?

That's a question you have to decide yourself. I would bet most guides do it because they love to be involved in a "hunt of a lifetime" every year. You will use more money on gear, wear & tear on your vehicle, time away from family and friends, etc. Then there's the stress and pressure that is put on you to do something I'm sure you love to do. It's a big sacrifice, but also rewarding when you see all of your hard work helping make someone's dream come true. If you're looking to just go hunting and not worried about money, then I can tell you there's no better reward than helping kids. There are lots of organizations that can use somebody to help out on youth, or less fortunate kids. That's my take on it....

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You will starve to death if you plan on living on your guide money, unless you start an outfitting business and have several quality guides working for you. The outfitter side is where the red tape really begins, insurance, permits, hiring people and getting gear. If you just want to make enough to cover your guide license, buy some gear and write it off, get to go on hunts and learn some country and meet some good people then you should be happy. I have worked for a couple different outfitters, I show up with my optics, knives and bedroll. I like it that way. Never get rich but I get to go hunting every year, especially this year where I didn't draw a single tag.

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is it worth it if your not planning on doing for a living?

That's a question you have to decide yourself. I would bet most guides do it because they love to be involved in a "hunt of a lifetime" every year. You will use more money on gear, wear & tear on your vehicle, time away from family and friends, etc. Then there's the stress and pressure that is put on you to do something I'm sure you love to do. It's a big sacrifice, but also rewarding when you see all of your hard work helping make someone's dream come true. If you're looking to just go hunting and not worried about money, then I can tell you there's no better reward than helping kids. There are lots of organizations that can use somebody to help out on youth, or less fortunate kids. That's my take on it....

That is my take on it as well>

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