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22S muzzleloader bull. Last day, last chance 6x7 bull.

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As many of you know, I drew a 22S early muzzleloader elk tag this year. Not the best tag in the state but with some hard work, dedication and some help from my cousin Rex (pwrguy) I knew a seemingly low quality hunt could become a quality hunt and I was not dissapointed.


After a week of scouting and glassing, I decided I wanted to try my hand at a bull Rex named Brutus. As of Saturday I had not yet seen this bull but from Rex's description, I knew I needed to hunt him. He was a very long, wide and stellar bull, nearly perfectly symetrical and a perfect stair step in line 7x7. A true trophy in ANY unit during any season with any weapon. After Friday and Saturday, we had not seen hide nor hair of him. On Sunday I glassed the back half of one antler at nearly a mile. I knew instantly that I wanted to harvest this bull. When he stepped out into the open, it tuned out that it was Brutus and he was a brute. I knew instantly that this was the bull I came to Arizona for. You read about guys analyizing animals and sizing them up.....but with Brutus one quick glance and you knew he was a shooter bull. One blown stalk later and I would not see him again till the next evening where I watched him fight another bull we called Lefty. He was another great bull. Somewhat un-symetrical but a good bull none the less. Both bulls had absolutely gigantic bodies. These bulls were clearly very mature critters. Brutus took Lefty's cows. the next morning we were on him again. I kept trying to get into position for a shot to no avail. After backing out to to poor wind conditions, I saw him for the last time later that evening.




The next couple of days we spent glassing and I sat on a couple of wallows that I found in the area as well as chased bugles. Wednesday night I decided to NOT hike off the mountain and just sleep on top with my coat. First thing in morning on the close of the hunt I heard Lefty bugling. Rex had him spotted but lost him. I followed his bugles and wound up between 10 and 20 yards from him but had no shot due to the THICK manzanita. After a cow busted me he blitzed up to the top of the ridge. He went over the top towards a wollow I had sat the day before. I raced up and around and cut him off by positioning myself above the wollow. I waited and waited. Lefty never showed up. A sat for a few hours and decided to get up and chase some bugles I had been hearing all day long. I loaded up my pack and went to stand up when I looked up I saw a bull next to the wollow. I looked through the binos and saw he was a decent 6x7. I grabbed the old 50 cal smoke stick and took aim, and fired. To my suprise he dropped where he stood. The time was 1:10 on the last day. Who knows, maybe Lefty or Brutus would have came in later but with time running out and planes to catch, this one would have to do.









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Awesome job! I had that muzzy hunt in 22S a few years back and put a ton of time into it. I ended up killing a real nice bull. Just goes to show, if you work hard you come out on top! Also I agree, there are NO big bulls in 22S!

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Congrats Michael on a great bull! I've been checkin on here all weekend to see how you did. Not too many guys spending a night on the hill with just a coat. Nothing better than hearing bugles all night long though.

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Also I agree, there are NO big bulls in 22S!


Don't believe that. There are some serious bulls but they are in some remote areas. You got to work for'em. Congratulations 308 on your bull .



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Congrats Mike! Glad you had a great trip down... one of these days we will have to get together and have a beer.

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there is no good bulls in there should not put in for that unit! :D

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Awesome job! I had that muzzy hunt in 22S a few years back and put a ton of time into it. I ended up killing a real nice bull. Just goes to show, if you work hard you come out on top! Also I agree, there are NO big bulls in 22S!

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Great bull ,looks like you had a great time hunting . :)

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