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This Ain't Good

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Well I spent alot of time glassing and alot of time hiking without finding a dang pig. I started off by Buford Canyon glassing some tanks for about an hour and never even saw a pig, deer or anything. I walked around the tanks afterward and found no tracks at all (to much cattle in my opinion). Here is a pic of the first area I glassed.




After that we continued down the Klondyke road and noticed a sign-in sheet on the right hand side of the road. Went up there looked through it and found that 1 pig and 2 deer had been killed in there. The deer were taken in the October hunt. We went back in there glassed for about another hour did not see anything again. Started to hike a little bit and came across a berm went up top and there was a huge stock tank but empty and it looked to be empty for some time. So we moved on.


We then went to go up the road to where my dad used to go for deer and we find out the hard way that the road is blocked off and it is all privately owned now. So we decided to head down toward Bonita and look around down there. We found an area that had a good view overlooking the flats. Glassed for a little over an hour without finding anything. Started hiking the washes looking for tracks. We hiked several miles and never crossed a set of tracks.


So we decide to head towards Battle Mountain since my dad had heard good things about that when he used to hunt down there. So we go i and hike a little bit and come across a tank that is full. We walk around the tank looking for tracks and were able to stumble across a couple of tracks. The only problem is that the cover around to do any glassing and it is to thick to even walk through standing up.


So this morning we continue down along the 266 and find an area that looked promising. We start glassing and within 5 minutes I find 3 deer 2 does and a little spike. We continue glassing without finding anything else for another hour.


We keep going down the 266 and find an area that is covered in prickly pear and grass with some scattered mesquites. We glass for almost 2 hours and never see a thing.


Now I am really worried about the hunt since my dad and I covered alot of ground glassing, hiking and driving. I did not want to do this but PLEASE WILL SOMEBODY HELP ME ON THIS?

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well I have hunted pigs in that area a lot. I can almost garentee that the pigs are down low close to the highway or klondyke rd. it always been this way when its dry. were the prickleys paper thin? its not fun but the pigs will be in the thick mesquite. if you can get up high and glass down you should find them. there are a ton of pigs in that unit but when it's this dry it's just hard to find them in the thickets. good luck

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Thanks for the info running bird. The prickly pear in some areas were thin but overall most were average in my mind. I will be making 1 more trip down to try and locate some pigs before the hunt and have a few places I want to look at.

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