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Unit 1 Archery Bull

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Great story. That is a heck of a trophy. It is something special to get one of them old boys with a bow. It looks like you are having it mounted. I know I would in a heartbeat.

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Way to go Jason!! That's a dandy of a bull!! Hopefully I can find one that good during my November archery hunt. I would be tickled pink.



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Great story and great bull. Congratulations and thanks for sharing! That's what it's all about...I think a lot of us get hung up on the numbers too often.

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Your words brought back a hunt from several years ago --- it wasn't until I had tagged that bull that I started to think just how special that evening really was. Undoubtedly once a dominant herd bull, he came in solo to my cow calls, bugling nonstop. Like yours, good mass and strong 3s, just not much on top any more. Later aged at 12 years old, I was humbled to be in that then still animal's presence. The hunters he must have encountered over those years! Coach, you and I can count ourselves among the fortunate to have experienced something so special.


Now to your write-up --- once mighty fine piece of typing!!! I heartily agree with those who've already given you props. Haven't read anything so well put together in years, a-n-y-w-h-e-r-e!!! Well done.


And, again, congrats on your success ...

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I read a lot of hunting stories but I cannot remember one that I enjoyed more than this one. A sincere "thanks for sharing"

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i know what you mean about the bugles being so loud. the bulls around flagstaff sound nothing like the ones in 1 and 27. great bull, story and hunt!

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Like tjhunt2 said, this is magazine quality writing. You should look into submitting it to one of them. This forum is a fine place to post it but it is good enough for a broader audience.

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