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dead rockies

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got a text from Amanda today. said they (the folks she is hunting with) found 9 dead rocky rams together. victims of the wallow fire. quite a hit on that herd i would say. Lark.

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That just SUCKS!!!


Anyone hear anything about the prosecution of those dipsticks that started that fire? How about the rumors that USFS could have stopped it if they'd have put the fire out when they first came on it? Any truth to that?

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they got to keep the heads. none were real big. i'd love to get one of the banana horned ones to make some knife handle with. ain't a lotta bighorn knife handles out there. she texted me a photo of some of them. the ones i saw were fairly heavy 3/4 curl or so and one with nanner horns. that's just one instance that is known of sheep mortality in the fire. wonder how many others croaked that won't be found? be a lot of deer and elk too. but deer and elk are a lot smarter than rockies from what i've seen. maybe they all ran off. Lark.

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"but deer and elk are a lot smarter than rockies from what i've seen."



Lark: From what I've seen, deer and elk are a million times smarter than any wild sheep. C.J. McElroy, the founder of SCI who hunted almost every species of sheep known, would say the same thing if he were still alive.


Bill Quimby

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first time i ever saw a bighorn was off the side of the highway a ways over by alma new mex. big herd. i had a little instamatic camera and started putting the stalk on em. i got closer and closer and started taking photos and thinking i am the sneakiest guy in the world. then i got up so close i could just get one ram's head in the photo. then i walked over and kicked him in the butt and all he did was swing his head at me. so i kicked him again and he finally got up. it really lowered my sky high opinion of how hard sheep must be to hunt. BUT DANGIT I STILL WANNA SHOOT ONE!!!! Lark.

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  On 9/19/2011 at 7:42 PM, sjvcon said:

That just SUCKS!!!


Anyone hear anything about the prosecution of those dipsticks that started that fire? How about the rumors that USFS could have stopped it if they'd have put the fire out when they first came on it? Any truth to that?


Sounds like the two that started it will have their day in court in the somewhat near future. As for could the FS have stopped it? I was there the first day and there is no way that could have been done in a manner even close to safe. Things were so dry, hot and windy to go into the bear wallow wilderness after a fire would have been suicide. If anyone knows what the fuel loading and such were on that day they would say the same. The fire had spotted 4 miles before they even had a plane in the air so who knows how far it moved on the ground.


I have some pics of the rams that are on my camera but they aren't downloaded yet. I may get them posted before Amanda but I don't know.



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Everyone is missing the most important part of this message...


Lark, you know how to use one of dem dere cell-u-lur phones?! Even text messaging and picture messaging? Thats pretty impressive for a hilbilly!



And, thats too bad about the sheep!

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