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Gateway Outdoors - September Meeting

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Another great line-up for our September 15th meeting!


Mike Miller from Miller’s Southwest Meat Processing will be our featured guest speaker. Mike will be teaching us about the field care of big game. After the shot, the real work begins and how you take care of your game animal is crucial. If you’ve had wild meat that was “gamey”, chances are it wasn’t properly cared for, in the field. Mike will also have advice for dressing your game if you plan to have a taxidermist use the cape for a mount.


Gary Drake from the Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society will be on hand to talk about this great animal and the important work being done by the ADBSS. This will be another very interesting look at a great Arizona conservation group, of interest for hunters and non-hunters alike.


Finally, you’ll get to meet Lance Anthony from Anthony’s Spices out of Chandler. Lance makes world-class BBQ rubs, spices and sauces. Anyone who has a smoker, grill or BBQ pit will want to meet Lance and see his line of high-quality products.


Gateway Outdoors is already building a reputation for having quality speakers at every single meeting! These speakers are always informative and everyone comes away having learned something regardless of hunter or non-hunter, or level of proficiency.


We have another full agenda so the meeting will start promptly at 7:00PM.


Light refreshments served after the meeting. Please help spread the word! Meetings held 3rd Thursday of every month at Gateway Fellowship Church. 60 N Recker Rd in Gilbert.

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