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Spray Painted Game Cameras

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Someone spray painted the lens on my game camera I had set up at a tank. Does anyone know who is doing this? What difference does it make to them. I almost set up a hidden camera on this one just in case and now I wish I would have.


They also got a friends of mine.






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I don't know what gets into people, I alway's used to think my stuff was pretty safe in the woods. I would like to think it was non-hunters doing all this cr**, but I know better. I think trail camera's are pretty harmless and no matter what you think about using technology, it doesn't make any sense to vandalize other peoples stuff. Chances are good you won'd find out who did this.

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Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking.


My buddy had two cameras taken this summer. It's funny when you read the TONS of posts on the boards about cameras getting stolen/vandalized and everyone complains on how wrong it is and we all seem to agree. Well, looks like a lot of people are out there doing this and a lot of it has to be from other hunters who condemn it on a thread. BUT, when no one is looking......


makes me angry :angry:

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This sucks. I haven't had any problems with my camera's getting stolen/vandalized until this year. I got one broken into and the SD card stolen and the other was stolen all together. Funny thing was it was over a three mile hike in from any roads. I think it was a Rancher that works the area. Hopefully u can somehow manage to save your camera.

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that pond needs a lifeguard!

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I think the "peace bull" did it. He is an undercover saboteur.

Seriously, that sucks. I just got into the trail cam game this year. So far, no problems, but I hide it pretty well.

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We had 2 cameras stolen in 22 this year. We had gone 5 years with no issues and then bam 2 stolen in less then a week. I think we have one narrowed down in talking to the rancher, hopefully we run across the guys truck. Its sad because people have zero ethics anymore.

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Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking.


My buddy had two cameras taken this summer. It's funny when you read the TONS of posts on the boards about cameras getting stolen/vandalized and everyone complains on how wrong it is and we all seem to agree. Well, looks like a lot of people are out there doing this and a lot of it has to be from other hunters who condemn it on a thread. BUT, when no one is looking......


makes me angry :angry:



Assuming makes an Azz out of you


You seriously have made one of the stupidest remarks I have read on this forum for years. To make the assumption that people who disagree with and voice it on threads are responsible for A LOT of the vandalism and theft in the field is pure idiotic. The fact they condemn a practice does not mean they lack the morals or ethics to respect other peoples property. If I was betting, I would put that a good majority of this activity comes from competitive hunters in the same group who use similar practices. If you look at the few instances where people have been caught and highlighted as being in the wrong, it was a person doing the same thing and being unethical based on a competitive nature. The guys I hunt with understand it is a vast hunting ground and could care less if it is a trail-cam, tree-stand, empty blind, or another jerk-off hunter being an azz, they will not sacrifice their ethics or morals because they don't agree. They just find a different area to enjoy their hunt. Some people really should think before assuming or making blanket accusations. You may be a real good guy but your statement here flags you as a jerk-off until proven otherwise.

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To make the assumption that people who disagree with and voice it on threads are responsible for A LOT of the vandalism and theft in the field is pure idiotic. T


That is not what he said.

He said he believes that some people will voice in public that it wrong to steal and vandalize but when no one is looking they swipe a camera.

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To make the assumption that people who disagree with and voice it on threads are responsible for A LOT of the vandalism and theft in the field is pure idiotic. T


That is not what he said.

He said he believes that some people will voice in public that it wrong to steal and vandalize but when no one is looking they swipe a camera.

That is not what he said look at the context in which he wrote it. His reference is that ( Well, looks like a lot of people are out there( i.e. public land) doing this ( stealing and vandalizing) and A LOT( meaning a large part of the action) of it has to be from other hunters who condemn it on a thread. ) His thought is represented pretty clear and is ignorant.

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To make the assumption that people who disagree with and voice it on threads are responsible for A LOT of the vandalism and theft in the field is pure idiotic. T


That is not what he said.

He said he believes that some people will voice in public that it wrong to steal and vandalize but when no one is looking they swipe a camera.

That is not what he said look at the context in which he wrote it. His reference is that ( Well, looks like a lot of people are out there( i.e. public land) doing this ( stealing and vandalizing) and A LOT( meaning a large part of the action) of it has to be from other hunters who condemn it on a thread. ) His thought is represented pretty clear and is ignorant.

I read it as: people on the forum condemn the actions of vandalizing/stealing, not the practice of using cameras!

Guilty conscience? ;)

We all know it's the cornbagger competitive jerks some of whom are probably on here!



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