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Queen Creek Access help

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I have an appointment for my dog at Power & Queen Creek Rd tomorrow evening at 3:15 with a vet and decided to try and find a way into some trust land for dove hunting from the south end of some trust land. I'm not asking for your honey hole because I already know where most water holes are but I've never accessed them from the south end before. I'm talking about access off the E. Skyline Rd. Are there any gates that aren't locked? I tried to get out a couple weeks ago, after accessing from the north and found a gate locked and then had to drive all the way back to Florence Juntion to get back on the highway. I could almost see skyline road but couldn't fine my way out.


Please pm me if you would like to share any information. Just thought since I was this close to the south with only a couple hours to spare before sunset I would give it a try for me and my dog Lexie. Thanks! :)



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Thanks for all the PMs. :)



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