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db cooper


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Ok, for all you wild outdoors people: What have you seen or heard to make you think there is something to it?


I'll start. A couple years ago, I was solo during the OTC elk hunt near Holbrook. After tracking a small herd for hours, I came to a spot where they approached a series of washes but instead of entering them, they made a hard 90 degree turn away. I walked up to the edge of the wash and as I stood there, it sounded as if a dozen apes were chattering away at me. I looked into the trees and brush and could see nothing and since it was getting dark, I walked the longest 3 or 4 miles ever walked by a man, back to my truck. A week later in the same area, I heard a couple of screams that just flat out bothered me. The volume was spooky and you could hear the diaphragm of this thing rattle as it screamed away. A few minutes later, I ran into four hunters ,in a Dodge, and they pulled over and asked me, a lone hunter on foot, "what is the quickest way out of here?" They had fear in their eyes but didn't say a thing.


And back in 90 or 91, I saw an 8 foot tall black bipedal ape cross in front of my truck.


These stories are true, so help me. If this thread takes off, I'll tell my grandfather's stories, too.

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Ok, for all you wild outdoors people: What have you seen or heard to make you think there is something to it?


I'll start. A couple years ago, I was solo during the OTC elk hunt near Holbrook. After tracking a small herd for hours, I came to a spot where they approached a series of washes but instead of entering them, they made a hard 90 degree turn away. I walked up to the edge of the wash and as I stood there, it sounded as if a dozen apes were chattering away at me. I looked into the trees and brush and could see nothing and since it was getting dark, I walked the longest 3 or 4 miles ever walked by a man, back to my truck. A week later in the same area, I heard a couple of screams that just flat out bothered me. The volume was spooky and you could hear the diaphragm of this thing rattle as it screamed away. A few minutes later, I ran into four hunters ,in a Dodge, and they pulled over and asked me, a lone hunter on foot, "what is the quickest way out of here?" They had fear in their eyes but didn't say a thing.


And back in 90 or 91, I saw an 8 foot tall black bipedal ape cross in front of my truck.


These stories are true, so help me. If this thread takes off, I'll tell my grandfather's stories, too.

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Sorry, that was rude on my part, I can honestly say the only really weird thing I ever came up on was a small fire out in the middle of unit 10, nobody around, not a cloud in the sky, about the size of one of those dish sleds you use in the winter time. It was a perfect circle and I could never figure that one out....

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I haven't seen anything first-hand, but I'm sure there are some strange things we can't explain out there. Have you seen that one Kardashian girl? That's got to be a Yeti...

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A Bigfoot thread by the Mysterious DB Cooper Hmmmmm. Seriously?


Old man Tate still lives somewhere in the hills around the rim I am sure of it. Seen Skin-Walkers near McNary and around Monument Valley. UFOs yep seen em. Oh and the Blair Witch visits AZ once in a while too. :lol:


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Ok, for all you wild outdoors people: What have you seen or heard to make you think there is something to it?


I'll start. A couple years ago, I was solo during the OTC elk hunt near Holbrook. After tracking a small herd for hours, I came to a spot where they approached a series of washes but instead of entering them, they made a hard 90 degree turn away. I walked up to the edge of the wash and as I stood there, it sounded as if a dozen apes were chattering away at me. I looked into the trees and brush and could see nothing and since it was getting dark, I walked the longest 3 or 4 miles ever walked by a man, back to my truck. A week later in the same area, I heard a couple of screams that just flat out bothered me. The volume was spooky and you could hear the diaphragm of this thing rattle as it screamed away. A few minutes later, I ran into four hunters ,in a Dodge, and they pulled over and asked me, a lone hunter on foot, "what is the quickest way out of here?" They had fear in their eyes but didn't say a thing.


And back in 90 or 91, I saw an 8 foot tall black bipedal ape cross in front of my truck.


These stories are true, so help me. If this thread takes off, I'll tell my grandfather's stories, too.

Start telling the stories, can't wait to hear them.....

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I havent seen anything myself...but would trust this guy.


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come on its clear as day its Elvis

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I was up along West Clear Creek on August 26-27 hunting Bear and I saw Big Foot playing Ball with Chubacabra.

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Any ideas:


What would stash a full grown 3x3 mule deer 20ft up a tree? A lion? If so, I know there are a heck of a lot of dog men that'll want to know where this occurred. FYI: a similar thing happened on Escudia and is documented in the book "Mogollon Monster".

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hey db, you do know them jack link's commercials ain't documentaries, don't ya? that's just a guy in a costume. really. i've been poked in the eye with a man eatin' turkey pecker, been attacked by killer cooter mondays, h e l l, i even seen a talkin' javelina, but i ain't never seen no bigfoot. well, outside o' the neighbor kid they kept chained up in the basement when i was a kid. he looked a lot like a bigfoot, but i don't think he was. Lark.

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