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140-130 inch buck

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I think another thread should be started for the hybrid callout. It seems "cool" to throw the hybrid word out there whenever a really big deer gets posted and it, in my opinion, taints the accomplishment of the kill. He does have a uniquely colored face, but that is not typical Muley coloration either. Muleys do have the dark colored forehead, but generally have a much lighter colored nose bridge and muzzle. Heck, the deer in Youngbuck's avatar has a dark colored head and bridge, it's just much wider, and both are 100% Coues to me. At any rate, HUGE congrats to the hunter. That is an absolutely perfect Coues deer. I love them tall, heavy, narrow, and beamy and that buck has all those in spades. Just a great, great deer.

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I just got back from seeing the buck first hand. First off, congrats to Steve! I can't think of a more deserving guy. He is my uncle, and one of the guys, along with my dad, who would take me hunting when I was kid. He and my dad are the reason I enjoy hunting as much as I do. He is an archery guy. I'm sure being able to take this buck with a bow, means a lot to him. Pictures can't do this buck justice. He looks like a freak in the pictures, but the mass is very deceiving. I didn't put a tape on him. The MB I measured out with my hand is over 18" for reference. I can also tell you it is 100% coues, IMO. The face is darker than most coues though. Nothing about this buck says hybrid to me. On the contrary, brows like that, are the things big muleys dream about. Even holding this buck it is hard to start adding up numbers. Everything is proportionately, freakishly huge. After holding the buck, I dont think close to 140 gross is an exageration. Regardless of how the deductions add up, or where in the books he falls, he is a super stud. Congrats Steve and Rusty!


If anybody has a recent P&Y book I would like to know what the top ten are. PM me if you know.

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One amazing buck right there!!!! What eyeguards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations to the hunter!!!

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Was I the only one who niticed he incorrectly tag his game??? :ph34r:


That is a perfectly acceptable way to tag a deer.


I won't let a hunter put a sticky tag on velvet antlers.

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Steve is a great guy,and the picture speaks what kind of a hunter he is.Well deserved!!!!!

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I think another thread should be started for the hybrid callout. It seems "cool" to throw the hybrid word out there whenever a really big deer gets posted and it, in my opinion, taints the accomplishment of the kill. He does have a uniquely colored face, but that is not typical Muley coloration either. Muleys do have the dark colored forehead, but generally have a much lighter colored nose bridge and muzzle. Heck, the deer in Youngbuck's avatar has a dark colored head and bridge, it's just much wider, and both are 100% Coues to me. At any rate, HUGE congrats to the hunter. That is an absolutely perfect Coues deer. I love them tall, heavy, narrow, and beamy and that buck has all those in spades. Just a great, great deer.


REALLY __ to say hybrid - which in my opinion - doesn't "TAINT" a thing - rather makes it even more "RARE"


look up it up here on coues descriptions - simple - check size -location of metatarsal gland

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I say hybrid all the way. Mix between coues and freakin monster. Way to go on a great coues buck. That thing is all coues.

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