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db cooper

The way it goes........

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Saturday, I took my beautiful woman, completely new to hunting, out for a ride in 6a. I was hoping to show her some elk and deer. Of course, we ended up seeing three mulies running together, each was bigger than anything I'd ever seen before! Two awesome 4x4s and I guess you'd call it a 5x5. It was a wide and tall 4x4 extending 3-4 inches past the ears on each side with a 6"-8" point on each side going straight down and some velvet hanging. Monsters and they were in one of those areas that everyone just flies on past to get to "the good spot"! Of course, just like the time I saw the Mogollon Monster, I forgot my camera. Anyone ever notice, how bringing a newbie triggers these kinds of things to happen? I can not get her to realize that this doesnt happen everyday!


Now for the impossible! Anyone else see a group of bucks resembling these in 6a? PM me, if you think you know them and we'll compare notes.

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