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Got a spot where the bears are coming in every other day or so. Just went up there Saturday and found alot of fresh scat too much for just one bear. What do you all tujnk my chances are for taking a bear right there and what should be a tactic I should use to make sure I get them put down?

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If you can glass the area to spot and stalk that would be great. If not, try to find the water source and set up on that. If you can't find the water than sit in a tree stand or ground blind and wait them out. It all depends on how you like to hunt and what you have the most convidence doing. I know that calling would probably be a great way to go, but I personally don't have any convidence or experance doing that so I don't use that technique. Kidso would probably be able to give you some great advice on how to call Bears. I know he has called in many! Good luck and don't forget to hydrate and look out for snakes!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Give me the GPS coordinates and I will check it out and let you know....hard to tell without me seeing it for myself. :lol:


I would personally get up high and glass and lay the hammer down!

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is the spot you're seeing them where they are feeding? usually this time o' year they really start to frequent the prickly pears, but the only pears i've seen this year are on the bushes around walmart. they eat the pears till they get ripe and pop and then move to where they can find acorns. so if where you are seeing them is when they are on feed, as long as the feed stays on, i would think you would have a good chance to find them. they're about like a bum with food stamps. wherever you can cash em in, that's where you'll find em. Lark.

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Got a spot where the bears are coming in every other day or so. Just went up there Saturday and found alot of fresh scat too much for just one bear. What do you all tujnk my chances are for taking a bear right there and what should be a tactic I should use to make sure I get them put down?


Yes. As stated, a lot depends upon what they are eating, based on the elevation and vegetation you are hunting. I prefer hunting the 4,000-5,000 foot elevation areas in steep canyons. Right now they are chowing down on ripening manzanita berries and green acorns in my favorite areas. Not much prickly pear in those areas at all. They are also hitting black berries and choke cherries in the riparian areas along the canyon bottoms there. Its thick stuff for glassing with all the scrub oak and manzanita, so I like to get on ridges not too far above the bottom and try to call them out when they are heading down to water or heading up from watering to feed on the manzanita and acorns. Sometimes its hard to get a response though if they are already feeding with so much available food on the brush. I like using a .300 Win Mag rifle for fall bear, but it is all about shot placement. Good luck!

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Hey Lark what pops. The pears or the bears. Haha.

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