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The Phrase Raghorn (updated w shed pics)

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Anything above a spike and below a five point

+1 that's how I call them

+1 (does that make +2? :P ) Bigger than that is a 5X5, 6X6, etc. I can't say that's a standard though because I know some people who call anything below their standard of shootability a "raghorn". To me, that definition would be so subjective that it wouldn't be very helpful. (It could also come across as a bit disrespectful.) To each their own though.

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Bulls with multiple points that are not considered the "Herd" bull

These bulls usually have funky antler configurations.

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Anything below 260".

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a friend o' mine calls velvet spikes martians because he says they look like they have antennas on their head.


velvet spike is also the name of caseys favorite chippendale dancer. Lark.

now thats funny!!!

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