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Coveted unit 33 dec tag

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Chapter one. Pre hunt "Jitters"


My buddy and I were able to pull this tag. The incredible part is that on a seperate application my wife pulled the tag as well.

My hunting partner and I have been hunting 33 for about 5 years now and have discovered multiple good areas and lots of deer. We have yet to domino on a big one but have gotten close. So we are extrememly excited. My wife is happy but has no idea what tag she has.


I have been hunting for years. 30+. the pressure felt about not wanting to screw up this tag is high. I am excited but nervous. It has been years since I felt this. I can't explain it but it is too cool. I have a few other buddy's who plan on helping with glassing. The problem their is they are out of shape so I don't think they will actually keep up with us. Too bad. I know others who know the area well and we all have a round about area or a deer incommen that we want to kill. It will be interesting to see after the frist 3 hunts who comes forth on wanting to go chase deer they have found. Most of my entourage is cool but I do respect their privicay. Also, if I find a deer I may not want them to follow as well.

Crowbaits wifey better start getting in condition as well. I have an elk hunt in September and wife has Elk hunt in October. Once my elk hunt is over, let the scouting begin.

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Chapter one. Pre hunt "Jitters"


My buddy and I were able to pull this tag. The incredible part is that on a seperate application my wife pulled the tag as well.

My hunting partner and I have been hunting 33 for about 5 years now and have discovered multiple good areas and lots of deer. We have yet to domino on a big one but have gotten close. So we are extrememly excited. My wife is happy but has no idea what tag she has.


I have been hunting for years. 30+. the pressure felt about not wanting to screw up this tag is high. I am excited but nervous. It has been years since I felt this. I can't explain it but it is too cool. I have a few other buddy's who plan on helping with glassing. The problem their is they are out of shape so I don't think they will actually keep up with us. Too bad. I know others who know the area well and we all have a round about area or a deer incommen that we want to kill. It will be interesting to see after the frist 3 hunts who comes forth on wanting to go chase deer they have found. Most of my entourage is cool but I do respect their privicay. Also, if I find a deer I may not want them to follow as well.

Crowbaits wifey better start getting in condition as well. I have an elk hunt in September and wife has Elk hunt in October. Once my elk hunt is over, let the scouting begin.

I had the tag last year and I had a blast!! Two things you should consider, first it's a long hunt so pace yourself. 33 has some very challenging terrain so over the course of the hunt your body will wear down, which can effect you mentally as well. Second, as you plan your hunting days keep an eye on the weather. I lost the last three days of my hunt due to snow and high winds in my core area.

Here is a pic of the buck I shot on the last day.


Good luck and fun!!

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Of course Simon would have had better luck had he been more careful in his hat selection.

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All kidding aside, congrats Crow on a nice tag. You have drawn a highly coveted one. There are lots of people with probably more bogus points than what you had that have not been able to draw it.


As Simon mentioned, watch the weather forecast. Aside from that you should have a very quality hunt. Enjoy the cool weather, lots of deer and very few hunters. Don't get hung up on when or if the rut is going to kick in because it might not.


A couple of other things on your hunt/tag. IMO the quality of the Dec hunts has gone down slightly due to the late Nov hunt that starts just after Thanksgiving and ends just two weeks prior to when your hunt starts. Prior to the addition of this late Nov hunt, the Nov hunt ended 4 weeks before the Dec hunt started. Additionally, 33 seems to be one of the Depts favorite revenue units. Tags keep going up and up. Here are the 33 hunts, Aug archery, Oct Jr, Oct general, Nov general, Nov Jr, late Nov general, Dec general, Dec/Jan archery. That is A LOT of hunters. Even if you are scouting/hunting far from the road, chances are it is going to be tough for you to find a buck in Dec that you located earlier in the season.


Good luck and enjoy the next 5 months.

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It is my favorite unit next to 29 but I stopped putting in for the late hunts. In my experience WT find an area they like and stay put year after year. I have found bucks in August and they were still there in November.

Bucks I have found in February while pig hunting were back in the same area the following year. Just my experience hunting the east side of Mt Lemmon.

Get as far away from the roads as you can and glass all day. Two years ago while glassing a saw a troup of about 40-50 Coaties which was pretty cool in itself. I agree with SunDevil, way too many tags.


Good Luck

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33 sucks beyond belief. Shoot the first antlered buck you see or you will be sorry.

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Word has it there are some good bucks in this unit.... Seems some good friends of mine have taken some dandys over the past few seasons! Hike far and glass hard and the hunt gods will become your good friends in this unit, the best in AZ.... Hunt hard my friends!

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Bobbyo, you have a point. Cull the small ones right.

Chapter two will start soon. As this folds out it should be at very least interesting and fun. You sure you hunting partner is going to make it to your hunt?

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It is my favorite unit next to 29 but I stopped putting in for the late hunts. In my experience WT find an area they like and stay put year after year. I have found bucks in August and they were still there in November.

Bucks I have found in February while pig hunting were back in the same area the following year. Just my experience hunting the east side of Mt Lemmon.

Get as far away from the roads as you can and glass all day. Two years ago while glassing a saw a troup of about 40-50 Coaties which was pretty cool in itself. I agree with SunDevil, way too many tags.


Good Luck



+1 took the words right out of my mouth

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Chapter one. Pre hunt "Jitters"


My buddy and I were able to pull this tag. The incredible part is that on a seperate application my wife pulled the tag as well.

My hunting partner and I have been hunting 33 for about 5 years now and have discovered multiple good areas and lots of deer. We have yet to domino on a big one but have gotten close. So we are extrememly excited. My wife is happy but has no idea what tag she has.


I have been hunting for years. 30+. the pressure felt about not wanting to screw up this tag is high. I am excited but nervous. It has been years since I felt this. I can't explain it but it is too cool. I have a few other buddy's who plan on helping with glassing. The problem their is they are out of shape so I don't think they will actually keep up with us. Too bad. I know others who know the area well and we all have a round about area or a deer incommen that we want to kill. It will be interesting to see after the frist 3 hunts who comes forth on wanting to go chase deer they have found. Most of my entourage is cool but I do respect their privicay. Also, if I find a deer I may not want them to follow as well.

Crowbaits wifey better start getting in condition as well. I have an elk hunt in September and wife has Elk hunt in October. Once my elk hunt is over, let the scouting begin.



Will be out there Aug 20th to help my buddy get his buck....I found a small bachelor group bout 1 1/2 fromt the nearest road and its brutal hike also....but 2 bucks are worth it.


Good luck hopefully we can get some pictures of them

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