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glass bedding

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i want to glass bed the action and free float the barrel on my rem 700.has any of you guys done this yourself and was it worth it? i am handy but dont want to open up a can of worms and ruin my gun.any advise will be appec.


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Bill Q, will have an answer. He shows some of the most extreme knowledge of firearms from his posts.



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Bill Q, will have an answer. He shows some of the most extreme knowledge of firearms from his posts.





Thanks Dan.


Yes I have glassbedded a couple of Mauser rifles that I stocked, as well as the barrel channels of the three period muzzleloaders I built from parts from Dixie Gun Works.


I don't know if it's worth doing, but from all I've read it is supposed to improve accuracy. (I never shot the rifles before I bedded them so I have no idea how they shot before I worked on them.)


I did it to cover up my sloppy inletting and to add strength to the tang area where recoil from larger calibers can split wood if poorly inletted.


The toughest thing about glass bedding is to get the metal to release from the glass after it sets up. Use clay or Silly Putty to fill in any hole that might keep the action from being lifted out when the glass hardens. You may want to remove the trigger assembly for this reason.


Also be sure that every little bit of the metal is covered with a release agent that keeps the metal from bonding with the glass. I used PAM spray, the stuff my wife uses in the kitchen, once on a muzzleloader barrel and it worked fine but I'm not going to recommend it. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to the letter.


You may have to tap the barrel with a rubber mallet to get it to break free.


If it is really stuck you also might try using your wife's hair dryer set as high as possible to heat the metal....or conversely put it in the freezer overnight. Either way the metal is supposed to expand or contract and break free. (I've never had to do either.)


The Reminton action has fewer nooks and crannies than Mausers, so you shouldn't have a problem. Just follow the instructions, and call the manufacturer of the product -- and not me -- if you can't get it to break loose.


Good luck, have fun.



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well i have been doing this the last 2 nights its a real mess i think it will turn out ok i hope i should have practice on my buddy gun first. :(

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