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How many bonus points do you have

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Back in April, there were 240 people with the max of 22 BP for sheep



Last year, there were 8205 applicants for the 97 permits. So if we can wait about 85 years, we can all get drawn. :rolleyes:

Being drawn for bighorn will be a bonus, not an expectancy or certainty, imo.


I have 19 BP for sheep before the draw, as I did not apply the first few years after moving back to AZ.

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Any way you look at it I am one of the luckiest SOB's in AZ. Good news for you is I only have 3 sheep points and I'm now applying for Rocky. Good news for me is I killed a desert ram last year with 8 Points going into the draw. Bad news for you and me is there is no guaranteed draw for sheep based on bonus points. There are just too many applicants with max points and not enough tags to go around. I still am encouraged that while remote, it is still possible to draw sheep tags as a resident with little or no points.

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19 points before the latest draw for me too --- now going on 20 ...

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I am up to 12 going into next draw and can't believe that it has been 10 years since I shot my Desert!! Rocky draw odds are sooo bad they don't even publish them...LOL... :rolleyes:


However we can all keep the dream alive by knowing that the year I drew my desert tag I had a 1 in 400 chance of drawing the tag I did... so it does happen!

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One of my employees got drawn in 1991 and didn't fill, got the same tag in 1993 and didn't fill, (Mohawks and Coppers) Drew 15C n. in about 2003 or so and finally shot a sheep. My years could be off by 1 or 2 but that's the way it went. I know that there are way more folks putting in now with lots of bonus points so it is much tougher. Remember what the definition of insanity is. Persistence can pay off, but luck plays the biggest role.

A still very dumbstruck,


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Just a question is there a bonus point pass in the sheep draw if the unit has less than 5 tags? Just thought that when putting in for sheep your bonus points just sent how many different numbers you got.

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Just a question is there a bonus point pass in the sheep draw if the unit has less than 5 tags? Just thought that when putting in for sheep your bonus points just sent how many different numbers you got.


Yes, but they do it diffrently... They allocate 20% of all the tags, from all the sheep units combined and assign them to applicants with max bonus points.


That being said, you could be putting in for a hunt that won't have any tags available by the time it reaches the first and second choice round.

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I have 19. I still don't understand fully how the bonus point pass works with sheep and which hunts are not even possible to draw with 19 given the ammount of people with 22 points out there. I would like to understand it a little better before the next draw. Getting a sheep is something I have alway's dreamed of.

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I was blessed with a ram tag in 2003 tag#3. And I know it was Divine Intervention.

So I will continue to depend upon that and will draw at the right time for Rocky Mtn no matter how many points.

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