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A little bino help maybe?

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Last year on the last morning of our hunt, my binos fell off the dash and landed just right on the corner of the seat rail to break off the little tit on the clip in for the harness. I was totally lost on the last day carting my binos without the use of my crooked horn rig, everything just felt off not having them right there.


I sent an email off to Bushnell asking to purchase just the clip, or the whole strap, whatever would be necessary to get that little piece. I got an automated response to send them in for repair. I don't want to send them halfway across the country for this little reason. I have had some bad deals with lost packages before, and it's a bitch, insured or not to file a claim. They were only 200 bucks to begin with, but I can't afford to replace them right now.

I checked all of the Bushnell dealers in Tucson, all of them said they could not help.


My question to all of you is; does anybody have a clip or strap they are not using that will fit the Bushnell Excursion model of binos? I will gladly pick up and pay for them if you do. If you are a dealer,and care to order them if they are even available, I will gladly purchase them. I just don't want to send my binos on what I view as a risky trip to the factory.

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Definately insure them (and take a picture)and send them off to Bushnell. Turn around time is usually just a couple of weeks. If they can't fix them they wil probably give you a chance to upgrade them at little to no cost.

Techincally we still in the "off season" so don't wait too much longer or turn around time might increase.

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