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closing the doors.

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Well it looks like I will not be redoing my guide lic. I am going to be shutting down the doors on Goodman Boy's Hunting Guide service. I am just puttung to much time into the bathroom renovations to deal with the time in the field. When people pay for your service they deserve a guide that can put the time in for them.My Knife sales and remodeling are just going to good to let them slack any.

So now i will need to come up with a new forum name.

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Mixed feelings on that one huh? On the one hand it's nice to have your business going well, but on the other it's a loss of field time for the sport you enjoy so much.


Most of us can relate to the trade-off. B) Good luck with the Knife Bussiness and the re-modeling! And you can always go on those hunting trips with your friends and family, you just won't get "paid" for it.


How about Knifeman? Sounds better than "remodeled"...


But ARIZONA GUIDE is still OK with me. B)



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Uh oh. I kinda like Remodeled. Sucks to have to change your handle though, not that you do but I know what you're saying. How bout Retired?

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Tough one for sure but the question is if you want to look BACk or look FORWARD?

Here are a few off the wall ones





WC Retro

Cut the Cheese your way

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You could call yourself '' Yustacould Arizona guide'' or maybe don`t even worry about it. I know I have re invented my machine shop about five times now and I never did change the name of it. Are the guiding liscences real expensive? Maybe you could still guide on a part time basis or hook up with one of your other guide friends and help them out. heck, they may need their bathrooms remodeled anyhow! Ya gotta do what puts bacon on the table is what my dad always says!


Late Rich Thompson

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