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Woods canyon lake project?

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I was lucky enough to have a four day weekend for the holiday. Spent the first two by upper lake mary, and then went on to woods canyon lake. The first day at woods canyon lake was decent (for the 4 of us), but with little action on my own pole i started picking up trash. Between me and another buddy within 30 minutes we had half of a 55 gallon trash bag filled up.


Which leads me to a few thoughts:

#1 does anyone on CWT know of any other outdoor groups that participate in a lake clean up?

#2 Would CWT be willing to affiliate and or participate in an area* clean up?

#3 Who would be willing to commit to helping out.


My thoughts: i would either be willing to help another outdoor group clean up an area (much like they do in the 36b unit). Or if we could orchestrate a clean up effort hosted by CWT, id be willing to help with that also. I figure even if its just a single day event. Fish in the morning until the bite slows. spend a couple hours cleaning the lake and then hang out with some friends afterwords. With the rains that hit the rim over the weekend im sure the band will soon be lifted and it can be a good "something to do" on a camping trip.


*Area: if it works out, or comes with any success we could do 3 or 4 different spots throughout the year (once every 3 or 4 months)


Anyone else have any input? its our forest, lead by example, and another chance to show that hunters are more stewards of the land than harvesters.

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I like the idea, and would participate. I too try to leave a spot better than when I came, that was instilled in me from Boy Scouts. It is amazing to me how people can walk away from their mess. We were at Canyon Lake yesterday, and the kids were dragging sunglasses and plastic wine glasses out of the lake.

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Yeah.... besides the trash we picked up around us on monday, we went back up on tuesday. i think we "limited out" on plastic bags and fishing line as we reeled back in.

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