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forrest service litter

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I just got back from the shooting range up the road and was surprised that all of our little pull offs to go shooting had road closed signs in the middle of them but whats even better is they piled boulders in the road behind the sign and they also put a shot up t.v. with the boulders now if we was to move litter from one place to another on the forest wouldnt we get a littering ticket. so my question is how does a guy go about writing these clowns a ticket.

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I wish I knew how to put pictures on here its pretty obvious that it wasn't somebody that was pissed it was about the sorriest road block I have ever seen and that t.v. has been out there for a while so instead of hauling it off he just put it in the middle of the road to keep somebody from driving over his rocks

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Even worse than that.....


I was lucky enough to find myself at woods canyon lake the past couple of days for fishing. Me and my buddy spent 30 minutes filling a 55 gallon trash bag (about half full) of garbage from the shore line.... and thats just the area where we fished.


ignorance and laziness to just throw it down and not pack it out. Be what boggles my mind, is there has to be a certain degree of "outdoorsman" that would lead one to the waters edge to enjoy the day. Are people that ok with trash to just contribute, rather than keeping it clean.

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