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Dodge Diesel Performance Chip

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This is a plug in performance chip for a Dodge. It fits the 5.9 Cummins from 2004.5-2007. It is usb updatable for different performance levels. This is the STANDARD module and I believe can achieve 120 extra HP. I am also pretty sure you can pay a few bucks to have Quadzilla upgrade it to the RACE module version which allows 140 extra HP if you so desire.

I used this on the 40 and 60 HP settings to pull my 5th wheel and it made a world of difference. The control pod will allow you to monitor different parameters such as boost, coolant temp, and rail pressure(RP kit not included).You can also change levels on the fly via a button on the control pod. This comes with their upgraded wiring harness.


More info can be found here



I am asking $200.00







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This might be the one I have on my truck (came with the truck when I bought it but I think I have the Adrenaline). Great product. Very easy switch on the fly such as if you are going uphill and need to pass a truck pulling a 5th whell in a short passing lane.... Been there, done that and it worked like a charm!

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