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Buying selling sheds

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I was wondering the same thing , I have a bunch of sheds i would like to sell , a couple of matching sets, some browns , some year old whites and some chalky ones .

We went out last saturday and found 24 elk sheds ( 2 matching sets ) in half a day While putting up some cameras for my sons elk hunt. We have a good walk in spot. nothing huge this trip , biggest was about a 330 if it had a match. I'll post some pics when i get back from a fishing trip to mexico , looking for grouper and yellowtail.

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I buy sheds 6.00 for brown 4.00 for year old and 2.00 for chalk and this is by the pound.

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I am an antler buyer in Globe, AZ. This is a list of my current prices. Prices are up from last year.


$6 AND UP for Browns

$3.50 for Hard Whites

$1.50 for Good Chalk


As always, this depends on size and condition. If you want to sell, call me at 928-701-2179.




Yes, I have been an antler buyer in Globe for several years. I buy year round................LeRoy

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