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coues7 your right this deal is done. I am just sick and tired of people becoming members and bashing people who have been on here for a while now.

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Sounds like a done deal by law.

But I'm sure there will be another jab taken :angry:

Hope not.

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Guest AZ>NMcouesaddict

Legal or not, that's a pretty deer. I'm staying out of that fight, I came on to talk hunting and share pics and stories. I'll go back to work to deal with legal battles, all my co-workers think they are lawyers.

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Wow, what a mess. I believe I acted in good faith. The guy who gave me permission to hunt back there lives a few feet from the area I walked into and he has given me permission multiple times over several years.


tbev, Could you please call me or email me with the land owner's name and contact info? If I did indeed get permission from the wrong landowner then I made a huge mistake and I need to apologize to the other landowner. I gave you my phone number in the field and you can feel free to call me to discuss this if you wish, or send me an email through the forum.



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I see tbev name in the last 15 min.reading amandas post .amanda shows great respect.call her and settle this matter.you see what she just stated.this is not an issue to spead through this great site.you have her # like she stated. end this now..mike

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here we go again jealous hunters who didnt kill.and now they want to take it out on other people. amanda i drop my hat off to you in your attemt to fix things but why bother. what u did to get a deer is work hard and it payed off. private property or not know rancher can block off any entry into state land he may post no hunting signs but the signs must be up every 100 feet and be visible to the see by the average person just cause its posted at his entry way dont constitute if its private or not. for you other 2 fellows get a life just cause you were out done dont talk smack give that person the credit to what they have done and leave it at that dont use the ars standards look up your blm managment codes they are much more easier to read.

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