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need mechanic advice.

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I have a 99 dodge diesel. It has a small fuel leak at the top of the filter canister. I think it is the fuel heater on top. It has 2 wires on it. The rubber gromet that they run thru is where the leak is at. They want around 1200 to replace the canister. I have gone on the diesel forums and seen that a few guys have pulled it all apart and replaced an oring and others have used silicon ant sealed it that way with good results. They say the silicon has lasted for a couple years on them. I will fix it right as soon as my Dr clears me and I go back to work full time. But I need the truck this week end to take my boys on a fathers and sons campout. Do you think the silicon will work for me.

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I would think that your impromtu solution would do the trick.


Bear in mind I'm not a mechanic, but you already know what you have without the fix. I fail to see how your solution would make it worse, and you stand a chance of making it a lot better.



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Im a mechinc.


I think if fuel is leaking out that gromet its coming from some other sealed section of the canister. Its not normal to have wires in fuel. But its also not dangerous. There's wire going into your fuel tank for your punp and sending unit. Id put the silicone on it. Look at it this way. Its already broke this could fix it. Can't break what's already broken. But this is coming from some one who would steal a truck to make it to a camping trip.

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The wires are for the fuel heater. Diesel have heaters on them to keep things warm so they do not freeze I guess. So it is for the filter heater. It is supposed to be an enclosed thing in the system.

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Well I used silicone on it today. I will see in the morning if it leaks still. I went to my diesel mechanic today. Randy at reliable diesel. He said what he does is removes the part from the top of the canister and puts a freeze plug in its place. He has done it a bunch. And it is only 200.00 a lot better then 1200.00

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Clean it off with brake cleaner and then use JB weld.



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