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Coues deer

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I am just courous Does anyone know the measurement from the top of a coues back to the vital zone ie hart on a broad side shot.

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From the top of a Coues deers back down to a vital zone is only about 3".

From the top of a mature bucks back to the bottom of his briskit is about 14"

So I would say from the top of his back to the center of the heart on a brodside shot is about 10 or 11". But I wouldn't aim for the heart. it is too close to the bottom. I would aim for the center of the lungs for a bigger target. I hope these mesurments help.

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Just hold behind the shoulder and kill him. If you have a range finder and know what your bullet is gonna do.....it's elementary. Of course, however, the whitetail factor can kick in and that's what makes it so exciting.


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