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Model 64 Winchester "deer rifle"

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I'm selling my father's deer rifle, a Model 64 Winchester in .30 WCF (.30-30) that he bought new before joining the Seabees at the start of WWII. He killed more than 40 deer, dozens of javelinas, a couple of elk and one bear with this rifle. If you have read my book you will know that this is all that I received from his estate. You also will know why it has no sentimental value for me. In fact, my wife has always told me she didn't want it in the house because of who had owned it.


For those who are unfamiliar with the Model 64, it looks a lot like the familiar Model 94 carbine, except that it has a pistol grip and a long barrel. There were two versions: a deluxe model with checkering and sling swivel studs, and the regular model without checkering and studs. This is the regular model. A total of 66,783 were manufactured from 1933 to 1957. It was reintroduced in 1972 and discontinued in 1973 after 8,259 were manufactured. In terms of Winchester rifles, those numbers are not great.


It was never a safe queen. It is in good condition and was regularly maintained, but it also has all the dings and scratches of a rifle that was carried and used every year for decades.


I will take $900 for it.


Bill Quimby

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I sure would like to check it out. Old Winchesters are hard to come by. Are you firm on the price?


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