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FS Pre-64 Model 70 Winchester

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For every man comes a time to rid himself of stuff. I've reached that time, and this is the first of many guns that I intend to sell during the next 24 months.


I bought this pre-64 .30-06 many years ago and have never fired it. It seems to have only minor hunting wear and no extra holes or major dings. Unfortunately, the previous owner installed a recoil pad and shortened the length of pull slightly. It is fitted with a vintage 4X J.C. Higgins scope and Weaver-type mounts.


A Winchester website indicates this rifle was manufactured in 1948. I want $975 for the rifle and scope.


Bill Quimby

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Any chance of so pics Bill?


im looking forward to you upcomming offerings....






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Get out your folding money this sounds like a nice one. I would but just bought a cabin in Overgaard.


Any chance of so pics Bill?


im looking forward to you upcomming offerings....






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if you still have it when i get home we'll talk Bill. pre 64 model 70's are like dirt, they ain't ever makin' any more of em again and you can't improve on perfection. just the fact that you owned it makes it worth somethin'. Lark.

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Stray Horse -- Those who have read my book know that I gave away all my cameras when I retired from the Tucson Citizen in 1994. Having to take photos was the part of my job as an outdoor writer that I absolutely hated and I vowed to never again take another. I've kept that promise, except for when my grandson graduated from the UA last year and my daughter handed me her camera and demanded that I take some photos. I'd managed to escape that chore when my granddaughter graduated from ASU several years earlier, but there wasn't anyone to hand the darned thing to for my grandson's photos.


Lark -- Were it only true that my owning something would make it more valuable. You're correct about Model 70s, though. This is the only pre-64 I own, but I do have four of the newer push-feed Super Grades (two of them are .375 H&Hs; one is a .458WM; the other is another .30-06). They are great guns. I've started my gun reduction with the pre-64 because I have never used it.


Bill Quimby

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It would have been worth several hundred dollars more if the previous owner had not cut the stock and installed a recoil pad.


I have a couple of Model 99 Savage rifles that I had drilled and tapped for scopes fifty years ago. Judging by what I see on the internet, I figure the four holes on each rifle reduced the collector's value of those rifles by $100 to $125 per hole!


The moral of this story is, if you have firearms you figure might someday be of interest to collectors, leave them as the factory made them.


Bill Quimby

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would any o' them 99's happen to be a savage hi power? Lark.


Sorry, Lark. Both are .303 Savages. I also have a Model 99 in 25-35 that someone boogered with a hacksaw, trying to make a youth rifle.


Bill Quimby

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i have a .250/3000 that had the same treatment. i put a peep sight on it and a new butt stock and it makes a dandy saddle rifle. are you selling the 25/35? Lark.

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