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Racism Question

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I need help understanding something, so I ask you to bear with me.


I have never voted for or against a person based upon the color of their skin or gender. I base my selection on the political views of the nominee and how well those beliefs coincide with my beliefs. I will say up front that I do not support the current resident of the White House.


With that said I often refer to him, Obama, by various names. None to my knowledge are racial in nature, but rather pay homage to his ineptness for the task at hand, leading our nation. I will also note that the former President, George Bush, was often compared to a monkey, and pictures of him with a monkey were abundant in the media by those that didn't support him.


Kenyan In Chief

Kenyan Monkey



So I am asking someone to please help me understand where calling the current president a monkey or Kenyan is racist. I make no reference to the color of his skin, and as noted before, Bush was compared frequently to a monkey when he was in office. Kenyan is reference to his ancestry, as well as the fact that Kenya has a poor educational system, except for a select few. Remember, I think the current president is unqualified and inept.


I realize that my names for the current president are not complimentary, but why are they racist? Do we have a double standard in our society? If we do, is this right?



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"Do we have a double standard in our society? If we do, is this right?"


The answers to these two questions are yes, and no.


Bill Quimby

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only white conservatives can be racists, it's in the rules


I am a lot of things, uncouth, crude, ill mannered, but racist I take offense to.

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rightly or not, when anyone uses monkey as a name or way to descibe a black man it can and liekly will be viewed to be a racist remark. Ask Howard Kosel (spelling?) As for you being a racist for simply saying it or using derogotory names, that would be a question best answered by yourself.


If you are sharing your pet names with or near others I dont feel you should necessarily care what others think of you. However in doing so I do feel you should respect others views and accept the consequences of anything you may say.

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for decades irish were depicted as monkeys in cartoons in the papers. like was said earlier in this post, only white conservatives can be racists. it's all BS. do what you want to do and if you're ok with it, then it's ok. even if other folks want to pin some name on you. ethics are opinions. Lark.

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only white conservatives can be racists, it's in the rules



Is that racist?




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You can answer your own questions simply by applying for a job pretty much anywhere and see where right off the bat if oyu are a minority you get preferential treatment and are in a separate class ahead of the anglo-saxon male! It will not only never change but it will continue to get worse as well as the fact that we are getting further and further away from any affiliation with God, our Lord Jesus Christ or anything affiliated with our Saviour as it upsetsd the few and is not acceptable any longer though the many/majority should always rule! It is all written though so we should enjoy our time on this earth until we are saved "from ourselves" by the only ONE we should pray to and worship! Just saying...

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i dont think its racist at all its not like your calling him a porch monkey now that might be considered racist i dont care what you call him

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