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Good deed for the day

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So I pulled up to my morning home inspection and get out to start getting everything ready. I look down at the curb and see something moving. When I look closer it is a baby quail. Looks like maybe a day old or so running back and forth trying to get up the curb. So I start looking closer and there are two of them. And about 10 feet away is the mom and dad and about 5 other chicks. They are calling like crazy trying to get the lost 2 back to them so they can get out of there. But they can't get up over the curb. So I rounded up the one chick and scooped it up with a handful of leaves and stuff below it and set it up on the curb and it takes off running and joins the rest of them. Then I try to get the other one. I probably looked like a fool because that little sucker kept running under my truck. By the time I catch that one the others had finally took off. So I had to chase them for about a 100 yds and finally they ran into a bush for cover. I was able to set the baby down and it ran in to join them. Cute little things. Just wait till next year and I will eat them. Here is a picture on the second one.


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They are so cute, and soooo fast! We set seeds outside our window and we have about 20 quail come visit. Can't wait to see the little biddies running around!

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