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I hate to be a buzzkill on this Bin Laden killing. But something doesn't smell right. They say they shot him twice in the left side of the face, but then quickly buried him at sea because of religous beliefs of being buried within 24 hours???????? The man is a terrorist and mass murderer. Why would anyone care about his religous beliefs, after what he has done. Is somebody trying to hide something? They need to prove that it was him. SHow me pictures,video, or whatever it takes.


A big salute to the special forces for pulling this off in the manner in which they did. Glad they all made it back


I been thinking bout this all day. I guess im just a bit skeptical with our govt these days especially after the whole Pat Tillman cover up.


Not sure what this has to do with the Pat T. cover-up. That was a poor decision that was made by leaders on the ground in Afghanistan, not the Administration. Has nothing to do with this.


Conspiracy theories will always be there. I find it inconceivable that would be the case here...... IMO So what if they originally said twice in the left side of the head, but then quickly buried him at sea? What would that have to do with it being the right guy or not? It was a covert operation, and so it would be expected that there are varying stories and speculation regarding exactly how it went down. Let it rest guys, and celebrate the fact that justice has been done. ;)


Good job to our leaders and the forces that got this job done!







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I hate to be a buzzkill on this Bin Laden killing. But something doesn't smell right. They say they shot him twice in the left side of the face, but then quickly buried him at sea because of religous beliefs of being buried within 24 hours???????? The man is a terrorist and mass murderer. Why would anyone care about his religous beliefs, after what he has done. Is somebody trying to hide something? They need to prove that it was him. SHow me pictures,video, or whatever it takes.


A big salute to the special forces for pulling this off in the manner in which they did. Glad they all made it back


I been thinking bout this all day. I guess im just a bit skeptical with our govt these days especially after the whole Pat Tillman cover up.


Not sure what this has to do with the Pat T. cover-up. That was a poor decision that was made by leaders on the ground in Afghanistan, not the Administration. Has nothing to do with this.


Conspiracy theories will always be there. I find it inconceivable that would be the case here...... IMO So what if they originally said twice in the left side of the head, but then quickly buried him at sea? What would that have to do with it being the right guy or not? It was a covert operation, and so it would be expected that there are varying stories and speculation regarding exactly how it went down. Let it rest guys, and celebrate the fact that justice has been done. ;)


Good job to our leaders and the forces that got this job done!






I agree with this... Had it been a cover-up he would no doubt have a video out by now letting his followers know he was still alive. Plus, the reaction from other terrorist leaders makes it sound like they are sure he is dead.


I'm glad the guy is gone. I wish it ended the war, but unfortunately when you cut off the snake's head, the body keeps moving. There is still a lot of work left in the war on terror, and if reports are true, bin Laden set it up so that everyone could operate independently once he was gone. I hope the replcement leaders that pop up are easier to find. IMO, we need to sit Pakistan down and find out how the heck they missed this (if the did actually miss it) or why they are protecting these guys in the first place.

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I hate to be a buzzkill on this Bin Laden killing. But something doesn't smell right. They say they shot him twice in the left side of the face, but then quickly buried him at sea because of religous beliefs of being buried within 24 hours???????? The man is a terrorist and mass murderer. Why would anyone care about his religous beliefs, after what he has done. Is somebody trying to hide something? They need to prove that it was him. SHow me pictures,video, or whatever it takes.


A big salute to the special forces for pulling this off in the manner in which they did. Glad they all made it back


I been thinking bout this all day. I guess im just a bit skeptical with our govt these days especially after the whole Pat Tillman cover up.


I am not saying they didn't get him. Its just seems suspicous that they would shoot him, and shovel him into the sea, all within 24 hours. Was he unrecognizable after the shooting? There was talk about DNA testing and whatever on the news. Where did they get original DNA? Maybe it was a smart political move, in order to minimize reprisal by bin Laden supporters?

Sorry guys but I just don't trust our government, and the CIA, AKA the Central Liars agency. Just my 2 cents.


If it was him, I am glad he is gone, and being repayed for his crimes in the flames of Hades.I hope this brings some closure, and a little relief for the family and friends of those lost in 9/11.




Not sure what this has to do with the Pat T. cover-up. That was a poor decision that was made by leaders on the ground in Afghanistan, not the Administration. Has nothing to do with this.


Conspiracy theories will always be there. I find it inconceivable that would be the case here...... IMO So what if they originally said twice in the left side of the head, but then quickly buried him at sea? What would that have to do with it being the right guy or not? It was a covert operation, and so it would be expected that there are varying stories and speculation regarding exactly how it went down. Let it rest guys, and celebrate the fact that justice has been done. ;)


Good job to our leaders and the forces that got this job done!





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I am not saying they didn't get him. Its just seems suspicous that they would shoot him, and shovel him into the sea, all within 24 hours. Was he unrecognizable after the shooting? There was talk about DNA testing and whatever on the news. Where did they get original DNA? Maybe it was a smart political move, in order to minimize reprisal by bin Laden supporters?

Sorry guys but I just don't trust our government, and the CIA, AKA the Central Liars agency. Just my 2 cents.


If it was him, I am glad he is gone, and being repayed for his crimes in the flames of Hades.I hope this brings some closure, and a little relief for the family and friends of those lost in 9/11.

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WASHINGTON — CIA director Leon Panetta told NBC News Tuesday that a photo proving the death of Osama bin Laden "would be presented to the public," but the comment quickly drew a response from the White House saying no decision has yet been made.


"The bottom line is that, you know, we got bin Laden and I think we have to reveal to the rest of the world the fact that we were able to get him and kill him," Panetta said in an interview with Nightly News.



..Asked by Reuters about the remarks, a White House spokesman said no decision had been made about releasing images of bin Laden dead.


The White House had earlier expressed concerns about making any death images of bin Laden public, considering the nature of his fatal wounds. U.S. officials say the still-secret photographic evidence shows a precision kill shot above his left eye, which blew away part of his skull. He was also shot in the chest, they said.


The White House said the photograph of a dead Osama bin Laden is "gruesome" and that "it could be inflammatory" if released.

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I dont think producing a picture profits us anything. I actually wouldnt have minded if they simply announced: Were no longer concerned with Osama Bin Ladens whereabouts. Number 2 most-wanted Al-Qaeda leader, you are now number 1. and left it that at that. Let them bring forward recordings or other proof that hes still alive. My response would be the same. Theres something very powerful about making someone simply disappear with no fanfare or trying too hard to prove what you did. But dont ask me. Im no Ph.D. in political science. Just an opinion.

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It would be a huge risk to fake his killing. He shows up on Letterman and your screwed.

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i think they should put his dead photo on billboards next to bacon advertisements all over the country. you can't inflame muslims anymore than they already are. as far as showing his dead carcass so much "respect" and making sure he got buried within 24 hours and all washed and prayed over, what is the one religion obama goes out of his way to never disrespect, while pissing on every other sect every chance he gets? muslims. what does that say about obama? Lark.

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What happens when his body washes up on shore somewhere???


I don't think it will... According to reports they probably tied him down (mob style) to something heavy to make sure he went straight to the bottom...

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the report is they used a weighted bag for the disposal of the body.

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Of course you all likely saw the latest. They are NOT going to release the pics..... That will no doubt, give the conspiracy thinkers more ammo. I for one though, absolutely believe that he is dead, and I don't really give a crap about him anymore. Dead is dead, whether I get to see the pic or not.



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Of course you all likely saw the latest. They are NOT going to release the pics..... That will no doubt, give the conspiracy thinkers more ammo. I for one though, absolutely believe that he is dead, and I don't really give a crap about him anymore. Dead is dead, whether I get to see the pic or not.




Picture or not... the rest of the Al Qaeda leaders are deciding that getting shot in the face isn't how they want to meet their 70 virgins... It's easy for those at the top to tell the foot soldiers to give up their lives, but it looks like they are cracking with the pressure/worry of getting shot in the face. GOOD!



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