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My Second AZ Goulds Turkey

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I was very fortunate this year, as the draw gods blessed me with my second Arizona goulds turkey tag in three years :D. The plan from the beginning was I was going to shoot one with my bow. Well as most good intentions, the plan didn't go that way.


My brother and I got to my unit Thursday afternoon. We got camp all set up around three o'clock and headed out to do some scouting and to try to roost a bird at dark. We found fresh turkey sign everywhere we checked and also drove up on two big toms with 5 hens. Finally right at dark we were able to get one to gobble out of his roost so we had a plan of attack for the morning.


Opening morning we arrived at our spot well before daylight with windy conditions. Not good. As a matter of fact the forcast for the weekend was not good at all wind wise. We finally got the tom to shock gobble. We set up on him, me carrying both gun and bow, and started giving him our best impression of a love sick hen. However, with the increasing winds he did not want to talk much at all. He would basically only gobble when my brother would cackle at him. We heard him fly out of his roost and the last two gobbles we heard were of him going up and over the mountain he was on. We decided to go hit some other spots where we knew birds were but with the increasing howling winds getting a tom to talk was not going to be easy.


For the next 3 1/2 hours we were running and gunning trying to get any kind of noise out of a gobbler. Nothing. The wind now blowing so hard that hearing one was going to be a chore. We kept at it when finally around 9:15 we got a tom to answer. Problem was he was probably only 125 yards away. He was down off in a creek bottom and the next time he gobbled we could tell he was getting closer and moving down the creek. So I decided that with the weather conditions and the high wind forcast the best thing was to just take my shotgun and ease down to the side of the creek. Just as I got set down I could see a hen coming right to me, and then another, and then the gobbler. I have yet to call once at the turkeys and they were coming right to me. As they were getting closer the one hen and the tom vered off to my left into some really thick stuff. As a matter of fact all I could see is pieces of them walking through the brush. As the one hen walked through the tinyest of holes I knew the tom would be right behind her. So I eased my gun up, scrunched down and leaned over as far as I could to be able to shoot the hole. The tom stepped into the hole at 12 yards and all I could see was his head which was enough and I rolled him right there. I was tickled pink with my second goulds turkey. I was also glad that I had my shotgun because where he was going through I would have never had a shot at him with my bow. It's not everyday you kill a goulds turkey with a shotgun and a release on your wrist :lol: .


He is a big mature tom, quite a bit bigger than my first one. He has a heavy, 10.5" beard and spurs that measure 7/8" and 1". It was a great, fun, exciting hunt with my brother. The only thing that could have been better was the wind. Did I mention it was bad.


Here are a few pictures.















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Congrats Brian that is a beutiful bird. I have yet to hunt for turkey let alone Gould's. It is something that god willing time and funds allow I will be doing next spring. Way to go being prepared and making it happen!

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Hey congrats man. That is one big tom!!!! I am headed down to 29 tomorrow morning for my second AZ goulds hunt. I cant wait hope the wind dies down a little though.

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Awesome! Hunting turkeys in the wind can be very depressing! Congratulations on your beautiful bird.


loved this quote: It's not everyday you kill a goulds turkey with a shotgun and a release on your wrist


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Thanks everyone. I feel very lucky and blessed to get one goulds tag let alone a second one.



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Congratulations Brian. I have got to start putting in for them. That is a really nice bird. Great story and beautiful pictures to go along with it. Thanks for sharing. :)



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Two Goulds under your belt? Unreal! Someday, someday. Until then I'll just keep stacking up them bonus points. <_< Congrats on a beautiful tom! What are your plans for the bird? It would make a beautiful mount!



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