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shed hunters on quads

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I went shed hunting on this past weekend and everywhere i walked i found quad tracks going all over the place off the roads miles from any roads. im tired of lazy people who abuse their quad privilages and ruin it for the people who follow the law. before long there will be no ohv allowed anywhere and a season on shed hunting or no shed hunting allowed. if i ever see one of these quads miles from the road, the owner of that quad will be walking back.

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  On 3/30/2011 at 3:21 AM, deersandbeers said:

I feel your pain. It's very frustrating. I wish they would spend some of the money that they get from the OHV tags on enforcement of the laws.

That's what the fees are for to enforce the law. Do you mean to tell me they aren't enforcing the law? ;) another money making gimmick from the government.

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Heard about this problem from a friend last yr. Him and his son hiked their butts off and found nothing but quad tracks. DISGUSTING INDEED!

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  On 3/30/2011 at 3:21 AM, deersandbeers said:

I feel your pain. It's very frustrating. I wish they would spend some of the money that they get from the OHV tags on enforcement of the laws.

And when the laws are enforced the LEO's get blamed for not using good judgment and only being out there to write tickets. Wish I knew when to enforce and when to let people violate.



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navajo and apache county have little enforcement and the 'utes'(remember that movie with joe pesci?) just use their trucks. the winter range up here is crisscrossed with full size truck tire tracks starting the first week of march. really-the st peters dome and woolhouse mtn habitat areas(no ve-hicles allowed period) are favorites for winter range bulls and they get drove on every night while G&F are sleeping. Pinetop office have some serious enforcers under Mike but 24/7 isn't in the budget. just gotta hope those bulls drop in the malpai canyons and the vertical slopes so i can find one or two.




buying horn-sheds only-928 537 0599

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And you want to know why Ranchers are closing off lands? That is a big part of it. Off road vehicles.

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Yes, saw lots of ATV Tracks OFF the Trails this past weekend. Something has to be done. Also saw Truck coming out of Rattlesnake Quiet Area....!!!! Tried to get Licence Plate but angle was bad. Makes me sick.

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  On 3/30/2011 at 2:59 AM, sly said:

before long there will be no ohv allowed anywhere


Best thing that can possibly happen.. Until then, why wouldn't you do the same?

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Relax guys. Those are the handicapped people.



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the past two years i have seen this same thing. it sucks.

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  On 3/30/2011 at 8:16 AM, Mathews said:
  On 3/30/2011 at 2:59 AM, sly said:

before long there will be no ohv allowed anywhere


Best thing that can possibly happen.. Until then, why wouldn't you do the same?

Um.....because it is the law?? Correct me if I am wrong??? Off road use is illegal, cross country roaming is illegal?? Is that not correct??? Just curious about the "Until then, why wouldn't you do the same?"......

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Nothing more frusturating that hiking all day to get into the good pockets to find out someone beat you there on a quad, I dont see how it is rewarding at all to find sheds if you ride around on a quad and destroy the environment all day. We just started going to where quads cant go. I've been hearing more and more stories of these guys getting tickets though. And thats music to my ears

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  On 3/30/2011 at 2:59 AM, sly said:

I went shed hunting on this past weekend and everywhere i walked i found quad tracks going all over the place off the roads miles from any roads. im tired of lazy people who abuse their quad privilages and ruin it for the people who follow the law. before long there will be no ohv allowed anywhere and a season on shed hunting or no shed hunting allowed. if i ever see one of these quads miles from the road, the owner of that quad will be walking back.


Thats why I quit shed hunting over 10 years ago. I had a walk in only spot where I found 27 elk antlers with a matching 370 in 1 day. It was an elk sanctuary till the quads guys raped and violated it and I had to stop Because I knew if I ever ran in to 1 of those guys someone was gonna get hurt. So in the name of my SANITY I QUIT so that I could enjoy the rest of my life with out bars! I feel for you guys!!!!!!!

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