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Sick of the Arrogance

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It really kills me how someone kills an exceptional animal- one - and then they pimp it out like they are the greatest hunter in the world. Especially when they are guided! Whatever happened to ethics? I guess they skipped the day that lesson was taught in life.

I recently was reminded of this when a forum member here found out that the guide who guided him to a 400”+ bull, allowed the outfitter he works for to post them on his website (photos taken and owned by the guide) and he threatened legal action if the outfitter didn’t remove the photos! He felt it might lead someone to believe that this bull was killed in some manner other than the classic DIY type hunt!

I have kept my mouth shut up to this point but this was the final straw! He even submitted a story to Eastman’s Bowhunting Journal where he misrepresented the facts completely, removed the copywrites from the photos and totally threw the guide under the bus. He also scammed RMEF and got them to pay his taxidermy bill and post the same fantasy story on their website. I guess it’s like a drug, it goes to your head and you can’t stop.

Let’s try and keep this real. Life is too important to crap on all your friends so we can pound our chests.


OK, rant over.

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Sorry to say it, but unless it's written into a contract, I'd say the outfitter has NO legal right to post pics of a hunter's animal anywhere without permission. That said, I'd write it into EVERY contract if I were an outfitter concerned with developing my reputation... and if I were hunting with outfitters and concerned with developing my reputation as "super hunter", I'd make sure the guide had NO rights to the photos without express written permission and royalties for every one published.


I also get a big chuckle out of people who represent animals as their own, sometimes even alluding to how hard they work to kill their animals, when they were in reality led by the hand to the animal in the picture. Often times you'd be surprised at the $$ some of these guys are willing to pay. I ain't calling anybody out, but it happens a lot more than you'd think, and not just with elk...


On the flip side, I know of several cases where an outfitter has pictures of animals in his album that he had NOTHING to do with harvesting. Like the guy wasn't even in the same county, much less involved in the kill. One of these I know very well, cause I've never hired a guide for squat, and there is a picture of a buck that is hanging on MY wall on an outfitter's site. Couldn't care less, and frankly get a good chuckle out of that one too, every time he posts on a forum or his name comes up.


So I guess it goes both ways... I don't guide, and won't hire a guide, unless required by law, so can't really care any less either way. But if somebody asks me straight up about guides or hunters I specifically know about, I sure share it. ;)

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Who gives a rip? If there are guys out there faking the funk and pretending to be big dogs, why should that effect you? It shouldn't. You should be so busy scouting, shooting your bow, camping and teaching your kids how to hunt (if you have them) that this crap shouldn't bother you at all. If these guys want to feel big and bad and pretend they did it on their own, let them, does it effect your draw odds? Thats all that really matters nowadays.

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Sorry to say it, but unless it's written into a contract, I'd say the outfitter has NO legal right to post pics of a hunter's animal anywhere without permission. That said, I'd write it into EVERY contract if I were an outfitter concerned with developing my reputation... and if I were hunting with outfitters and concerned with developing my reputation as "super hunter", I'd make sure the guide had NO rights to the photos without express written permission and royalties for every one published.


I also get a big chuckle out of people who represent animals as their own, sometimes even alluding to how hard they work to kill their animals, when they were in reality led by the hand to the animal in the picture. Often times you'd be surprised at the $$ some of these guys are willing to pay. I ain't calling anybody out, but it happens a lot more than you'd think, and not just with elk...


On the flip side, I know of several cases where an outfitter has pictures of animals in his album that he had NOTHING to do with harvesting. Like the guy wasn't even in the same county, much less involved in the kill. One of these I know very well, cause I've never hired a guide for squat, and there is a picture of a buck that is hanging on MY wall on an outfitter's site. Couldn't care less, and frankly get a good chuckle out of that one too, every time he posts on a forum or his name comes up.


So I guess it goes both ways... I don't guide, and won't hire a guide, unless required by law, so can't really care any less either way. But if somebody asks me straight up about guides or hunters I specifically know about, I sure share it. ;)


+1 Well said.

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cat claw - let it go! or just call the guy out and get it over with - seems like you want too!


funniest part - if fact be known 99.9% of most records were probably - just dumb luck


like the guy a few yrs back new state/world record -=-turned down big $$$ from cabelas - was gettin greedy wanted more - then 3 weeks later someone shot a bigger one - lol

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I guess this happens more then I first thought. I heard a similar story a few years back. Stuff like this sure makes me miss the days back in the 80s when I first started hunting. For the most part hunting use to be more pure and simple. No days the world of hunting is way more complicated then it needs to be.

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I always got a chuckle out of the article in the American Hunter that listed their "Top 3 coues hunters of all time". a year or so later, one of the guys that was in their top 3 was investigated by B&C. Shortly there after, all of his coues records had been removed from their record book.


Always wondered what it would have taken to have the magazine make a correction to their original article as it was solely based on the number of records in the B&C book.

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The world is full of tools. Although it is difficult, life is less aggravating if you can ignore them.

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just hunt with yourself and hunt for yourself! i used to get so mad at stuff like this i dont even like to read articles anymore and see pics because stuff like this just hunt for yourself and thats what works for me.....

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I suggest taking it up with the person directly....one could easily say remember the days before people ranted on-line.....

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I am not seeeing this as an attempt to call someone out, but rather as a teachable moment. What is right? and what is wrong? One should learn from others' mistakes, so here is a mistake we can learn from. Or this OP is being part of the hunter village trying to raise the child.

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Does anyone know the rule about posting pictures (if there is one) or copyrights for sure? I would think the person who took the picture owns the darn picture, he can do with it what he pleases. Celebrities get their picture taken by others all the time (often without direct permission) and the people sell those pictures left and right. If a hunter doesn't want his picture out there without permission, then he/she shouldn't allow anyone to take a picture.

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This is too funny sort of! Figured maybe we could escape from reality (real world) and all the blah blah blah crap we deal with each and every day on a hunting website but I reckon not! ALmost wished I hadn't opened this thread as it just makes you want to log off and go back to work which is a darn shame, darn shame! (yes Jeff I repeated myself) Hope all of you got drawn for something (not really as it would be too crowded but it sure sounded nice and polite)but seriously for those of you who did draw a tag best of luck to you and think of those who didn't draw and enjoy it some for them to!(which also means we need to rub it in and dog em a lil bit too!! :-))


Broken Wheels

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