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2011 elk/Antelope tags

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I drew a tag for the first three-day rifle cow elk hunt at Flat Top Mountain outside Eager.


Bill Quimby


Bill, congratulations on your elk tag. When is your hunt dates?





Thanks, TJ. The season is August 5-8. Don't have topo maps for the area yet, but it appears to be a small area south of Eagar, east of Water Canyon and west of Nutriosa Creek. It may or may not include the Sipes Wildlife Area, which I do know. I plan to spend much time learning that area this summer. I can't walk much any more, but I sure can sit a tank or a spring and wait for a herd to show up. I'm really excited. This may be my last elk hunt.


Bill Quimby



Talk to the game ranger up, they will tell you what to do and who to contact. The road to the top of flat top has been closed for a few years. These elk come into town at night.




Thanks, talking with the wildlife manager definitely is on my list. It's only about 20 minutes from Greer, and I intend to spend a couple of days in it every week before the season opens in August.


I bought topo maps today and it looks like the unit covers only about 9 square miles of forest land and 1.5 square miles of state land. There are six tanks and a long stretch of Nutrioso Creek where elk can get water. Finding a herd that others haven't patterned is my goal. There will be only four other elk hunters in the area then, though.


Incidentally, not all of those elk move out of Eagar during the day. Three bulls spent every day in an orchard next door to a friend's place between the Circle K and the 180/191 junction last fall and most of the winter.


Bill Quimby

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Oldest son drew unit 9 muzzleloader bull tag and my wife drew a unit 10 antelope tag with 20 points, finances are going to be to tight this year for a guide but if anyone sees anything out scouting and will share, we'd appreciate it. Very thankful, good luck to those who drew and to those who didn't dont give up, my son drew the 9 bull tag with 5 bonus points.

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My Wife has a unit 10 bull tag for Nov. nothing for me, but hey I put in for CO Bull & Mule Deer so I will just have to wait and see.

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No Elk or Speed Goat tags for me :( Bummer. Thinkin bout an outta state elk or goat hunt next year.

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