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360 Elk Sheds

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My brother (TIM), my boyfriend (TRINITY) and I and of course Remi and Sami (the labs) went out and did some hiking and found some good horns. Trinity glassed up a horn and we walked down to pick it up it was a nice white 6 point, then literally ten yards away Tim found another white horn, Trinity walked up the hill found another, Tim went down and found another. and there I was finding NOTHING!!! I was getting a little mad! We continued to walk on this hillside and again Trinity and Tim find another horn. I was so mad and determined to find me a horn! As I walked up the hillside I look to my left to see something really shiny and way to smooth to be a tree branch or stick. Turns out to be a nice brown 7 point shed! I was soo excited I got on the radio and told the boys, "I JUST FOUND A REALLY NICE BROWN!!!" They sounded a little jealous on the radio. We sat down to have some lunch and tied up the dogs to give them a break and we all split up to go look for the other side. I walked 50 yards up the hill and saw the other one leaning in a bush! I again got on the radio and told the boys "GUESS WHAT I FOUND THE OTHER SIDE!!" They all found the old white horns while im pickin up the nice brown ones! :) Thats what they brought me for to find the good ones!



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Your hooked now! Congrats on the set and the rest as well, great day you guys had.

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