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Mountain Lion Hunt Video

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I made this video of my lion hunt, to help my buddy get his guide business going. We were only going to film "filler" footage this day, so we had all of the non-hunting shots completed before we really hit it hard. Amazingly, we were on a cat within 15 minutes of entering the canyons. So needless to say there is not the right shots and footage we wanted, but we made due with what we had. The kill was a bit messy, so it was edited accordingly. Let me know what you think.


Sidebar: This film was shot in full HD, but in order to upload it I had to lower the quality. If you are interested in having me film any of your hunts, let me know. I can film them in full HD and have them on DVD quickly. Its a great way to preserve your hunting memories.

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Cool video!!!!! I went on my first 'lion chase' with dogs in late January. Didn't catch the thing, but it was an awesome experience!!! I'm looking forward to my next hunt!


Thanks for sharing!






PS: LOVE the Danzig!! One of my favorite 'head-banging' tunes of all time!! ;)

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Thanks for sharing. I believe I've been thru that gate a time or two with my good friend Ted Bounds (aka jackshoe). His aka name was choosen from one of the ranches you drove by. Congratulations on the lion and nice job on the vedeo. :)



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Cool video. Bummer to kill a 60 pound female to promote his guide biz.


LOL! It was a male, but he sure was around 60 lbs. You should keep in mind that some of us who hunt, don't hunt trophies, I feel blessed to harvest whatever it is that I harvest. Not bummed out in the slightest. Thanks for watching the video!

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Not taking anything away from your first lion. Just that I hate to see females killed especially in an area that we have let alot of females go. If it was a Tom then it is what it is. What camera are you using?

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Congrats on the lion! What was that you ate... please not one of his "nads" :wacko: . LOL! I apreciate your candor and thanx for sharing your hunt.


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If you think its a bummer they killed a 60 pound lion then you must be a city boy. Lions kill a lot of cows hurting ranchers all through out arizona. So next time you guys think about letting a female go think about all the cows and deer they will kill in the next year. That could be your cattle there killing or your next monster mule deer you could have harvested the next season. Good job guys keep it up awesome video.

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I have gotten pics (7) in the past year of a female lion where I hunt Coues. I know she is there more than those 7 times. I have found 6 carcaus of deer and one small elk in that year. I have found one pile of poop (which is in a ziplock bag in my pack). If I get a chance she is a dead lion. I set a cam off a trail just for her. If I get some pics of her, I will be at odds to hunt her or the 2 big bucks that are in my area. IF she has not already claimed them as her own... If anyone has some dogs that need the pratice, let me know. The season in my unit opens August 19th.


Gerat hunt by the way. I cant wait til I get my first lion!





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