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Roosevelt Crappie report 3-6-11

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Hi folks just got back from fishing Roosevelt all day. I went there with my soul purpose of catching Crappie but as it turns out at least on the salt end the lake is not on fire. I wouldn't load the boat pack your gear and buy every minnow in town just yet you will be disappointed.I tried to target with different lures, patterns, minnows etc but every one I talked to even people that had been there days before have not landed any or if they did it was 1 to 2 crappie for a whole days worth of fishing.I fished the armada crowd in the morning with at least 20 boats scattered trying to find any glimmer of those paper mouths will no avail.Then started to check my old honey holes around the Salt end all the way back to Windy hill. What ended up happening all day long was I was putting bass in the boat I mean lots of bass on crappie jigs they ran in the super dink size to about 3+ pounds My fishing buddy Fester and I stopped counting Bass after about 30 or so. I must have kissed and put back 50 to 60 bass man my lips are chapped LOL!Some are defiantly starting to stage for the spawn many with bright red tails any where from 4 to 20 feet. As soon as I got them in the boat I gently got them back in to the water to get the Bass back to there reproduction season. I had a good time catching bass on ultralight poles with 4 pound test line it did make some of my landings interesting and wouldn't you know it it was john Deere green 2" grubs on road runners that produced the most bass.


so if you are not a Bass fan and are holding out for that one day to call in sick to load up on Crappie I would wait till there are lots of solid reports but if you are happy with bass action any time now on Roosevelt should be good .

on a side note if you are a bow fishermen and target carp there every where on the coves leading up to windy hill just look for the lips on the surface

I will be taking my kids on our spring break Roosevelt camping trip next week and will be able to give a better crappie report as I will have the entire week to fish My kids and now they can't wait :0


Here are some examples of the bass I was pulling out all day today






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