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Coues 'n' Sheep

Poll: For or Against

A Baiting Rule  

124 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support a law/rule to ban baiting?

    • No
    • Yes

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If it were really a problem of killing too many bucks, why are they continuing to issuing 1,500 rifle deer tags in the unit that receives a lot of baiting pressure.


+1, and +1 for Gino's comment. Archery hunters using salt/corn/alfalfa aren't the problem. Over-allocating tags is the problem.

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So far 6 people have voted for the ban.


I would really like to see those 6 post there statement as to why they think it should be banned.


I'm not trying to get the debate going, but would really like to hear BOTH SIDES of the opinions. You points/opinions are just as valid and welcomed as the "against" folks and I would sure like to here them.

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The use of bait and cams can be extremely rewarding but not necessary any kind of guarantee on a successful harvest.


I strongly oppose any baiting ban

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I agree with all the reasons stated and wonder whats next? No more elk calls, varmit calls, etc... I know the department has seen poachers kill elk, deer and other critters and leave them lay to come back and hunt bear over and then say, "What bait?. I see this as a very broad brush to try and paint a cure for a very small problem in just a few units. Most "HUNTERS" use corn or mineral licks to keep game in front of a camera to help with scouting, but the "bait" IMO does very little to really help a hunter harvest an animal other than bear. Baiting bear is already illeagal. I see no real gain for the department to make a new rule. Just my $.02

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There is no scientific evidence that baiting transmits CWD.


"Some" say that it is "unsporting". How about using dogs for bear and lion? Is that "unsporting"? How about a antelope hunts that are a 99% success rate? "Unsporting"? How about siting a water hole. The little animals need to drink, so is that "unsporting"?


It is all about G&F making more revenue through selling more tags.




Stick around, after they are finished with bait, these could be the next rules:


No use of dogs for lions.

No use of dogs for bears.

No hunting within 200 yards of water holes.

No use of sabots in muzzle loaders.

No use of black powder pellets in muzzle loaders.

No use of in-line muzzle loaders.

No use of large caliber center fire rifles.

No use of bullets containing lead.

No use of optics over 10x.

No use of calls.

No use of scents.

No use of decoys.

No use of electronic game callers.

No use of hevi-shot for waterfowl or turkey.

No use of game cameras.


Use your imagination because AZ G&F will.



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I run a couple of small business just to make ends meet, Have a family, participate in church activities, etc. I have limited time to hunt; baiting helps me maximize the few moments i have each year to hunt. Please don't take that away from me. I could go on...i'll save it for the other thread....



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buby of mine was paralized from the waste down in a car crash. only way he can hunt with good chance of sucsess is over bait its no easy task last year we carried him in half a mile two the blind and he hunts from dark two dark. if they take it away heck be stuck to some one driving him around till something jumps up and he hates that he tells us that all the time he owuld rather drag him self two a blind then be drivin around.

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I see that I am in the majority here.


That's nice, but not the reason for my vote. My reasoning is based on holding people accountable with the laws we already have. If those laws were enforced, be it it game laws or other types of laws, then we wouldn't have the issues we have now. Of course then we'd all be on here complaining about the "heavy-handed" tactics of the G&F Gestapo.


In all things there must be a happy medium that the majority support to some degree.



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baiting doesn't equal automatic success. Bait also benefits the birds, and other small critters. If it's not out of hand, why screw with it.

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i ain't no baiter. don't need to. some guys are masters at it tho. but if it's legal, it's ok with me. again, legal=ethical. no need to take away anything from ourselves. the antis, usfs and azgfd are always willing to do that for us. if you don't like to bait, don't. same as guys that don't like longrange, bows, rifles, pistols, dogs, whatever. everyone needs to stick together and not fight amongst ourselves. to me, it's a non issue. i will make a prediction tho, if guys continue to get stupider about it, i.e. electronic corn flingers, fighting over places to bait, things like that, it will be outlawed. same thing happend to bear baiting. they outlawed it to keep some morons from shooting each other. Lark.

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It would be a law they can't enforce. Its just another law and we don't need any more laws. Wildlife would be better served if they put the money and efforts toward predator control and habitat improvements.

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