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Need help with 300win mag

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I need help trying to find the right bullet and load. Ive been shooting nosler 180gr bullet with RL19 and RL22.It says they are the best load but hasnt meet my needs Ive put about 80 rounds through it and cant find the right one. Should i drop to different grs or switch loads any help would be great.

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  On 3/5/2011 at 8:13 PM, regge090 said:

I need help trying to find the right bullet and load. Ive been shooting nosler 180gr bullet with RL19 and RL22.It says they are the best load but hasnt meet my needs Ive put about 80 rounds through it and cant find the right one. Should i drop to different grs or switch loads any help would be great.



Need a little more info... You say you have shot 80 rounds so I am assuming you are changing things....


Powder charges? COAL? Primers? Which bullet/bullets? Maybe its your shooting? There are so many variables that we/I need mroe info on what/how youre loading.

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My pet load is a 180g AB but I use 75.5g of h1000. My oal is 3.40. She has served me well. I have shot rl25 with resanable succsess. I hope my new encore like the same load or its back to the drawing board

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I have had great sucess with my .300 win load. I am using the Nosler 180gr Ballistic Tip. I am using H4831sc powder at 76 grains. 3.395 OAL is all the box mag in my winchester model 70 will allow. I chronographed this load at 3188fps. Good luck! Don't give up, the effort will return great rewards!

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  On 3/5/2011 at 8:13 PM, regge090 said:

I need help trying to find the right bullet and load. Ive been shooting nosler 180gr bullet with RL19 and RL22.It says they are the best load but hasnt meet my needs Ive put about 80 rounds through it and cant find the right one. Should i drop to different grs or switch loads any help would be great.

regge- what gun? scope? what primers?

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Might need to try a different powder. Try using a powder with a faster burn rate and see what that does. I have good success with IMR4350 IMR4064 and Ramshot Hunter.

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  On 3/7/2011 at 2:19 PM, roninflag said:
  On 3/5/2011 at 8:13 PM, regge090 said:

I need help trying to find the right bullet and load. Ive been shooting nosler 180gr bullet with RL19 and RL22.It says they are the best load but hasnt meet my needs Ive put about 80 rounds through it and cant find the right one. Should i drop to different grs or switch loads any help would be great.

regge- what gun? scope? what primers?





300win mag smith and Wesson, Leopold, Federal premium

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I know this won't be a lot of help--I shoot a 308 Norma which is very similar. Years ago I settled in on 79.5 gr of H4831 using a 165 Nosler Partition and a CCI mag primer. This has suited me well on Blacktail deer, Mule deer,Coues deer,Pronghorn and Elk. It -is built on an '03 Springfield.



300win mag smith and Wesson, Leopold, Federal premium

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when i had my 300 win i shot the berger 168's off rl-22 with 78gr and got about 1 inch groups, which was good enough for me at the time.

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When I was working up a load for mine I wanted a lot of speed and a bonded bullet. I tried 150 grain accubonds and they just wouldn't fly. The 165's shot a lot better, 74 grains of IMR 4831, magnum primers and the bullet just seated to fit my magazine (Model 70 SS with 26" barrel)yielded 3250 fps. I got tired of the kick and tried a lead sled. Accuracy fell off. Off the bags I could get a 3 shot 3/4" group and with the lead sled it opened to 1-3/4".


I like the gun and it did well last year, an elk at 405 yards and a barbary sheep at 425 yards. I hope you find your guns sweet spot. The 150 grain bullets started flying good when the speed (chronographed) was around 3000 fps. Not exactly magnum performance!! I worked the 165 grains up to over 3350 fps without pressure signs but the groups didn't make me smile. When I backed off a little is when they shrunk down to acceptable.

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I've had good luck with IMR 4350 in a number of magnum loads including .300 Wby, .300 WSM and .270 WSM. Also, experiment with primers. I've had a little better luck with Winchester mangum than Remington or CCI.

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Have you had work done to your gun?I bought a 300 win the last year they were made before they got shiped over the water. I had to have someone take my gun all apart. he rebeaded everything.....my groups would go from 1 inch to 2, then 3 and move up to the upper right.the barrel was glued to the stalk when we took it apart. so i guess it depends on when it was made. I got it worked on had it bedded, put a vais break, trigger job, a swarovski scope and shot a buck last october at 745 yards....its a great gun but you might need to put some work into it. i shoot ballistic silver tips at 180 grains out of the box and after the work was done i shot 8 shots with in an inch group at 200 yards. good luck

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