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Bowfishing Tournament

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Hey all not sure who is in to Bowfishing but figurd I would post some info about the first shoot of the year. There will be a few more shoots at Rosavelt lake in the mouths to come and will post that info when I get it.








2011 Good Ole Boys Bowfishing Derby

Sunday March 20th @ Lake Pleasant

1, 2, or 3 man teams

It will be a Total numbers shoot we will also pay out 1st and 2nd biggest fish


1 in 5 entry’s will be paid.

The lake is off limits to shooting sundown Monday March 11th but scouting is aloud after the 11th

All fish must be shot from your teams boat

Entry fee is $100 per team if pre registered by March 18th at the shoot it will be $120. Sign up at the lake will be from 7-8am at the 10 lane boat ramp parking lot. The derby will be from 8am till 3pm.

Early registration will be accepted by mail at:

16251 S Houghton

Vail AZ 85641


Make checks payable to Dominick Argenziano

Or Via Pay Pal to dargenziano@q.com


Please send your teams Name and your shooters names



Team Name:


Shooter 1:


Shooter 2:


Shooter 3:

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