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This weekend too eary?

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probly last years haul, alot of year olds can look like browns at a glance also, never know, it could have all been this years if he was folowing a serious herd with alot of huge bulls?


sure theres a few big elk/mule freshies hittin the dirt though. Drives me crazy seeing all the brown deer finds on the internet since december in other states, good luck finding a coues brown before may/june...


Allways lot's o whites n year olds year round though, Big Elk and muleys droppin next couple months.


Never to early or late to go for a hike and look for an antler in my book- my answer

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If you don't mind muddy boots, caked up mud under your pick-up and pushing elk out of the area, just for a very slim chance at a brown antler. Waiting would be my advice. Over the years, I have found so very little this early. The storm that is suppose to come will only add to the moisture already present. Those out this weekend will most likely be rutting the FS roads and probably be down to their axle somewhere. I am anxious, but trying to be patient.

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I saw a truck in town with the whole bed full of fresh brownies 2 days ago.... So someones picking them up already.




Those dang local boys! My big trip north will be the middle of march, less Mud like the other guy said and I never find much this early.

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