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Don Martin

Mountain lion in a cage trap!

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I helped out a G&F WM with a bobcat that had it's back legs crushed by a car. The WM gets it in a catch pole and comments that the cat 'wasn't putting up much of a fight'. He drags it out away from a house and hands me the end of the pole and says 'don't let go' with a smirk on his face while digging around in the back of his truck. Needless to say I had a death grip on that pole and was impressed how strong that little cat was even with busted up back legs. I describe it to folks as - picture having the Tasmanian devil cartoon character at the end of a 6ft pole and he's out to kill you. Funny now, not at the time.


I went away with a whole new respect for those little cats and if I ever have to tangle with one up close I hope I don't miss on the first shot.

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I've released lots of pigs - 8 this year. + 1 on what Hyperwrx said. Big ones tear the H+ll out of a cage.


As for choking out (to release) lions - no big deal. I've released two that way. Besides the pucker factor, :unsure: it's only slightly harder than a bobcat.

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i would say that the pig would of turned on him more than the lion would have ... i can see them both being pissed but boar is fearless and lion just wants to get the heck outta there

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Onetime I did CPR on bobcat that we choked a little too long , I actually saw the lights come back on in his eyes , he was pretty mad about the whole deal , I barely got away from him .

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Hey he should of just tackled and tied up that mountain lion like "catch 'um alive" Jack Abernathy used to do to wolves. :D

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i've heard of wildlife harassment, but not sexual harrasment. that takes some 'nards to go mouth to mouth with a bobcat.


one of the funniest stories i ever heard was about a lion in a cage. i have tears in my eyes just thinkin' about it. Lark.

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