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Fun Evening Yesterday

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Yesterday I had a good evening varmit calling. On my first stand I was calling a canyon about 50 yards from the edge. I was using a woodpecker sound with a woodpecker decoy. After calling about seven minutes off a little to my right I caught movement about 35 yards out. It was a bobcat. It was fixated on the decoy and he was doing that little kitty cat sneak on him. At twenty five yards he stopped head on. I slowly eased my shotgun up, put the bead on him and dropped him in his tracks. He is my first cat of the year. He is a big, beautiful tom.







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That is a nice bobcat! Do you have any plans for the pelt? I bet it would turn out nice!






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BowhuntCoues, Yeah I killed him in the Pinetop-Lakeside area. I am going to sell this one. I already have several tanned so I am going sell him. If I get one with my bow, which I am going to start trying to do, I am going to mount him. Been a pretty good year this year so far, quite a few coyotes and foxes too. Thanks Brian.

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At that range it is neat to see them in a stalk.


Great Kitty Standman! :D

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Guest Ernesto C

Lucky!!!!..................sweeet! I can se you went hunting wolverines with your 12 gauge :D and I can see you are using you calling skills,you know.....like numchuck skills,trowing speer skills :o (from Napoleon Dynamite movie)


Congrats man,you the man.


Ernesto C

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BowhuntCoues,  Yeah I killed him in the Pinetop-Lakeside area.  I am going to sell this one.  I already have several tanned so I am going sell him.  If I get one with my bow, which I am going to start trying to do, I am going to mount him.  Been a pretty good year this year so far, quite a few coyotes and foxes too.  Thanks Brian.



Good luck thorning one. I have always wanted to shoot one with my bow. Congrads on the 1st bobcat of the year and keep the photos coming.

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