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Group applications

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I am a resident of New Mexico wishing to apply with a Non Resident for hunting licenses. Just wondering if their is a way to do this or not. Haven't looked to much in the rules book but lets face it sometimes that is more confusing than it is helpful. I figured I would ask here since people here are usually very helpful and probably will be able to explain it in laymens terms. Any help is appreciated

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You can apply with a non-resident; however, you as a resident will be placed in the 10% cap (assuming you or your partner is not a registered outfitter)alloted to non-guided non residents. It really hurts your chances of drawing and doesn't help his. Sometimes its worth it to hunt with a buddy or relative, but it may take several attempts, especially in hard to draw units, to finally draw. Hopefully that helps clarify things for you.



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Thanks for the info. That is what I figured based on what I was reading but just wanted to make sure I read it correctly. Looks like we will both just put in as seperate. If we both draw awesome. If he draws and I don't I'll just go along and help out.

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