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can elk be baited?

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We have 30-40 elk walk past our cabin in Greer almost every night during the summer. They've made deep trails, but only rarely do we see them in daylight.


We see mule deer out the window regularly at all times of day, but the deer and elk ignore our salt and mineral blocks. Is there anything that will get elk to come around earlier and leave later? Their bedding area is about a half mile up our canyon.


I've thought about setting out a couple of bales of alfalfa, but with all the rain we get it wouldn't be long before they soured.


Any ideas? We'd like to see more of our four-footed "neighbors."


Bill Quimby

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Yes they can. Use corn up there or some blocks of trace mineral and regular salt. I would put all three out and see what they like the best.


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I would use some corn as Clay suggested but beware it will bring squirrels and every bird around. The alfalfa is a great idea but only put out a small portion at a time. If you put a whole bail out they will eat the whole thing at one setting. Keep the rest covered with a tarp and the smell will keep them coming. Good luck and enjoy! :)



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well i dont know about the elk in your area but all these pics were taken off a mineral lick -spot - mostly salt blocks





i had over 90 pics and all were aimed at the same spot - ya can see the little mineral blks - hopefully as soon as i can get up north agin will put up a permanent camera = solar hook-up and get yr. round pics. night/morning/and even early afternoon pics


i use all three types - the mineral rocks - the white and brown salt blocks - they all dissapear


i have yet to see an elk on my property

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Try using some deer cane. I've heard it works best when wet.

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if u wanna comin in hard and fast, put out some timothy hay. They can smell the stuff for miles.

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Like I said, our deer and elk have repeatedly ignored our salt and mineral blocks. We already use corn to feed our squirrels (and the darned blue jays) but I think I need to buy a Texas-style corn feeder that only dribbles it out at the hours we want. Otherwise the squirrels and jays would eat us into the poor house.


Bill Quimby

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You might plant some alflafa and tulips, although their presence won't force any timed viewing period, and the tulips' bloom is short-lived. The electric feeder may be a good option, but you may have to enclose the spreader under the storage bin and put some apron/cones on the poles to keep squirrels, coons, and birds away.

Part of the problem I see is that you are trying to change the nocturnal pattern of the elk to daytime, which may be difficult.

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You might plant some alflafa and tulips, although their presence won't force any timed viewing period, and the tulips' bloom is short-lived. The electric feeder may be a good option, but you may have to enclose the spreader under the storage bin and put some apron/cones on the poles to keep squirrels, coons, and birds away.

Part of the problem I see is that you are trying to change the nocturnal pattern of the elk to daytime, which may be difficult.


Doug: I have never planted anything in my life, and it's too late to start now. You are correct about trying to change their nocturnal pattern. All I really want, though, is to get them to come around maybe 30 minutes earlier and stay 30 minutes later. Someone else in the area apparently has salt and mineral blocks out because the squirrels and chipmonks are the only creatures that visit my blocks.


Bill Quimby

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