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A sad but yet inspirational story

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I light of the recent shootings I think it is appropriate for me to share this story. My older sister for much of her adult life was lost in drugs. She lost her marriage, her two sons, and her family because of her addiction. I cant begin to express how lost she was. She and her boyfriend who was also a user were in and out of jail, rehab, lost all their possessions several times. Their lives were in total peril. For many years my parents tried to help her in any way they could. And many times my sister led them and the rest of our family down a path of lies. I could go on and on about how helpless the outlook for my sister was. But to make a long sad story short I will just say she and her boyfriend had finally burned all their bridges. There was no place left for them to turn. As her family we had exhausted all of our energy, love, money and support. We had to take the tough love path with her and take a wait and see kind of outlook, I cant tell you how hard that was. However about four years ago she turned back to her roots. She and her boyfriend started attending church. We had seen this act before however and we were very skeptical on their true intentions. We kept in contact and gave her constant encouragement to keep attending church and to make the necessary changes in her life.


When her and her boyfriend started attending this church there was one elderly couple that took a interest in them. They gave them constant support. They knew their background in drugs but that did not stop them from taking them into their own home. This couple helped my sister get into a hotel room for several weeks so they would not be homeless. They then help them get into their first apartment. They even help my sister and her boyfriend to get married. This couples unwavering love and support was just amazing. My parents had a talk with this couple when they first started helping my sister to let them know that they had seen this story from her before. My parents informed them to be careful that my sister and boyfriend my be just using them to just get what they can. This couple told my parents they knew the risk they were taking. But they felt it was a risk worth taking. They truly wanted to help my sister and her boyfriend turn their life around. Over the last four years this couple have been right by my sister and brother in laws side. This couple called them their kids, they felt that close to them.


This couple is Dorwin and Mavy Stoddard. Saturdays tragic shootings hit way to close to home for all of us in the Tucson community. But it was Saturday that our family lost a man that gave so much to our family. Dory (friends called him Dory) died a hero protecting his beloved wife. But he was already my sisters and brother in laws hero. We are so grateful that Mavy survied this senseless and grotesque act.


My heart and prayers go out to all the victims of Saturdays shootings. I felt it was only fitting to share this story with everyone. Too let everyone know a little more about one of the fallen of this tragedy that has touched our community. Thanks you for reading this long post, and god bless.

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Dog - thank you for sharing this. how incredible that your sister was able to find them. hopefully she will remain strong during this time of loss.

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Thanks for sharing this story Dog,

There is always hope when Jesus is involved. I know that Mavy is holding on to this hope, as well as your sister and brother in law. They know.

As for Dory? He is standing before the Master Of The Universe, hearing these words, "Well done, good and faithful servant".

Praise GOD!



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Again, like everyone else has already said. What a blessing your sister and husband was able to cross paths with the Stoddard family. Dorwin truely was a hero that day protecting his wife and I pray that your sister gets through this tragic event that took place. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved.



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Thank you for sharing this. It is truly inspirational. He died as he lived. A hero. May his memory be eternal.






Thank you for taking the time to share this with us! The world has lost a true hero.





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The Stoddard's live a couple houses away on my street. I talked with Dorwin and Mavy a couple of times while I was out walking our dog. He was a good man. He died doing something so heroic - covering his childhood love with his own body, it takes my breath away.


My wife heard some of their family speak at our HOA meeting last night, their church and the local community has been very gracious to Mavy and is seeing she is well taken care of.

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The Stoddard's live a couple houses away on my street. I talked with Dorwin and Mavy a couple of times while I was out walking our dog. He was a good man. He died doing something so heroic - covering his childhood love with his own body, it takes my breath away.


My wife heard some of their family speak at our HOA meeting last night, their church and the local community has been very gracious to Mavy and is seeing she is well taken care of.


Wow that’s cool to see that you lived so close and knew the Stoddard's. You probably have seen or may have even talked to my sister and brother in law. When Mavy and Dorey would go on vacation they would house sit for them. And yes Mavey will have tons of support. That’s one of the benefits of living ones life the way the Stoddard’s did. They helped so many that in their time of need there is many people that are willing and want to give back and help in return.


And thanks for the kind and inspirational words that all have written in this thread!!!


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Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. I've shared it with a number of people who would never see this website, and they have all been inspired by their goodness. Several have used the term "Angels" when describing the Stoddards.



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Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. I've shared it with a number of people who would never see this website, and they have all been inspired by their goodness. Several have used the term "Angels" when describing the Stoddards.




Funny you mention that Bob. That is how my sister Kat and brother in law Lonnie discribe the Stoddard's.......as their Angels.

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Very touching. The news in Phoenix has given very little coverage to the victims. Thanks for sharing this act of kindness.

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