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Congresswoman Giffords shot

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Can't fix crazy...

this is my take on it..





I think a point that needs to be remembered is that when someone points a finger at somebody else, there are 3 fingers pointing right back at them.


Has anything come out indicating that this guy heard or listened to any "rhetoric" from the right?


FYI - there is just as much rhetoric from the left. maybe that is what set him off.


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jamaro..........why do you zero in on the rhetoric from the right? It is appalling to me that so many are quick to point out what the conservatives are saying but choose to ignore the same speak from the left. If you listen to the liberal talk shows (Ed Shultz) or listen to the some of the rhetoric that people like Pelosi spew, how is it any different/not as bad as what is being said form the conservatives. You should have stopped at "you cant fix crazy". Because in all truth that gets to the heart of this shooting. This man was mentally unstable. That is why he did this. Not speak from the tea party‘s, talk show hosts, or legislators. The responsibility is his and his alone. To even suggest that blame lies on any other party is irresponsible and folly at best. Many good people lost their lives in this tragedy I knew one of them personally (story on that later). To direct attention and blame away from Loughner in any from or fashion is doing a great disservice to the six that were killed and the others that are injured. Blood is on the hands of Loughner not anyone else. Responsibility rests at his feet. he is the one who carried out this grotesque act, and to suggest he was motivated by the tea party or constrictive shows YOUR ignorance. Loughner was not a Republican nor a Democrat. He however is a registered independent. For you or anyone else to suggest its the rambling of the republican party or tea party’s is misguided and un-factual. It could be just as easily as said that the rhetoric from the left is to blame. But that would be equally as misguided and wrong. because like I have stated its not political. This all begins and ends with Loughner. The blood is on his hands and his alone.


When people get into the blame game that is a slippery slope. Why stop the blame with the tea party’s and conservatives. If you fallow that line of though one could carry the blame out to Sportsmans Warehouse (where he bought the gun). Or to Walmart where he bought the ammo, or to Glock the manufacture of the gun he used. Blame needs to be directed and channeled correctly. That blame rests with one person and one person alone. Jared Loughner!



Can't fix crazy...

this is my take on it..





I think a point that needs to be remembered is that when someone points a finger at somebody else, there are 3 fingers pointing right back at them.


Has anything come out indicating that this guy heard or listened to any "rhetoric" from the right?


FYI - there is just as much rhetoric from the left. maybe that is what set him off.


Great point Devil!!!!! One I also made earlier in this thread. I don’t understand why Jamaro chooses to single out the Tea Party and Republicans for rhetoric. I asked and would like an answer from him on why he did not include the other side as well. They are just as guilty. But for some unknown reason he chooses not to talk about them.

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I can only imagine the loss that the victim's families are struggling with. At the same time wonder how Loughner's family is dealing with this (if my child did something like this, the remorse would be devastating).


That this happened is a huge tragedy, there are no easy answers that will change what happened. I have to believe that he will serve his punishment. When that is handed down, what is gained? We all know it isn't the guns fault and that guns shouldn't be on trial here.


Bashing back and forth with left or right "rhetoric" hasn't stopped this from happening before. Virginia Tech, Columbine, how many others where the assailant was mentally ill, and not being treated, or no treatment was available? I believe the root of the problem is dealing with the mental illness issue. Do we institutionalize people because they "might" be dangerous? or do we wait until they pull the trigger and then do something (which is usually a call for more gun control)? As a society we have mainstreamed our mentally ill, and wait. We refuse to use tax dollars to help them, but we are all for using our tax dollars to incarcerate them.


With the right treatment, we live next to, drive on the same roads, and work with other humans with mental illness. Schizophrenia, Bi-polar, Asperger Syndrome, ect. all manageable to some degree. These people are not criminals unless they break the law, just like anyone else. Which unfortunately is when the cry for help becomes deafening and the only time we acknowledge the issue.


What do we as a Civil Society do? :unsure: :(



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if we were looking for his motivation i would start here.


Zach Osler, friend of the shooter, in an interview Wednesday with ABC's "Good Morning America," said: "He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn’t listen to political radio. He didn’t take sides. He wasn’t on the left. He wasn’t on the right."


Media speculation swirled after Loughner allegedly opened fire at a Tucson rally last Saturday, critically wounding Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 13 others and killing six. Immediately, the Tucson sheriff and liberal pundits and lawmakers chimed in that the shooting somehow was politically motivated and a result of the extreme rhetoric being used by conservatives such as Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.


But Osler said Loughner wasn't shooting at people, "he was shooting at the world."


Osler said he instead suspects that Loughner was motivated by a documentary called, "Zeitgeist: The Movie," which slams currency-based economics.


"I really think that this 'Zeitgeist' documentary had a profound impact upon Jared Loughner's mindset and how he viewed the world that he lives in," he said.




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M1903 bolt action 30.06 was developed by the military for the sole purpose of killing Germans....just sayin.

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M1903 bolt action 30.06 was developed by the military for the sole purpose of killing Germans....just sayin.


And it did a fine job....twice.




I think we can all agree that the buck in wfginnm avitar is huge. :)

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Osler said he instead suspects that Loughner was motivated by a documentary called, "Zeitgeist: The Movie," which slams currency-based economics.


"I really think that this 'Zeitgeist' documentary had a profound impact upon Jared Loughner's mindset and how he viewed the world that he lives in," he said.



There is the answer right there... We need to ban movies especially the documentarys!!!


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Again.. This is how I feel.... You don't have to agree... :) IDC...



Jamaro doesn't want to know the facts. The facts have no place in Jamaro's article. It doesn't matter that from all reports Jared Loughner never listened to the rhetoric of the right or the left. So just ignore the facts they should not get in the way of your feelings. No matter how Jamaro felt, if the political rhetoric had no bearing on the out came of the shooter's decision it should no be stated as fact. Why would Jamaro feel it necessary to include it? Is it because it feels right? There is a place for feelings but they should not replace the facts.



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Elitist liberals will tell us that watching violent movies, listening to vulgar and violent music and playing violent video games hour after hour will not influence your kids behavior. Yet, evidently, listening to talk radio will force you to lose your mind and go on a killing spree.

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Elitist liberals will tell us that watching violent movies, listening to vulgar and violent music and playing violent video games hour after hour will not influence your kids behavior. Yet, evidently, listening to talk radio will force you to lose your mind and go on a killing spree.


When AirAmerica was on they wouldnt include that-being it was liberal radio. They just dont flat believe in individual accountability or responsibility.

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The REAL reasons he went off the deep end are starting to come out now.


Why in the 2nd paragraph of this article did they use the word "accused"? he did it, 100% he did it. ridiculous.



Yep, this whacko is guilty. Unfortunately nobody is allowed to tag him guilty until a jury of his peers decides so. The media using the word "Accused" burns me up too!

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The REAL reasons he went off the deep end are starting to come out now.


Why in the 2nd paragraph of this article did they use the word "accused"? he did it, 100% he did it. ridiculous.



Yep, this whacko is guilty. Unfortunately nobody is allowed to tag him guilty until a jury of his peers decides so. The media using the word "Accused" burns me up too!


Simply take him to Tombstone and hang him from any tree and call it good. Pi$$ on what anybody thinks. Justice served! :angry:



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