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John O

Piggy Down!!

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I decided to change it up this year and try a new unit for pigs. I was also able to hunt with new friends, and have some great times. Just before noon I was able to glass up a nice herd about a mile out. We huffed it down the hill and crossed two more before getting set up for the stalk. The wind was right and I went in slow because they were not in a hurry to go anywhere. As I skirted the face they were on, one of the larger pigs presented a shot through a small gap in the trees. I ranged him at 26 yards and let it fly. There is nothing like that distinct sound of a perfect impact, and it was music to my ears. The shot was a complete pass through, and then all the way through the prickly pear cactus behind it. The pig only took about 5 steps then piled up. My buddy helped me with the pack out, and we were done and back to the house just before dinner time. Truly a great day.


One side note- Steve Ward of Ward's Outfitters was kind enough to let me test some of his new 3-blade tri-verter prototype broadheads. They flew with my field points out to 80 yards, and seemed to be tough as nails. In my book they proved worthy of any big game animal, so I used them on this hunt. I have never had a better blood trail, rifle or bow, than with these broadheads. Entrance and exit wounds were awesome, and the broadhead seemed untouched after the kill. Thanks Steve!!





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Congratulations on your pig and thanks for sharing the broadhead information with us. I just might have to give them a try. Good looking pig countryin the background. :)



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